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Breastfeeding and UC

Fri, July 16, 2010 11:16 AM

I was wondering if anyone has successfully breastfed thier LO while taking mesalamine? I have had UC for about 5 years but it has not been very sever- mainly bloody stools very occasionally. However the last year I have been having almost conintuous flair ups of bloody stools. I have basically ignored it during that time (I know- not good) anyway during the last week I have gotten a rash on my back, joint pain and itchy eyes. My family doc (don't have a GI doc due to having moved several time and me having ignored my symptoms) says that I need to go on medication- probably mesalamine and stop breastfeeding my LO. I am not ready to do that. From what I can find out by searching the med is considered an L3- moderately safe while BF. Has anyone breastfed while taking this? TIA.



FPO jessb45
Joined Jul 16, 2010

Mon, July 26, 2010 1:49 PM

 Reply posted for jessb45.

I breastfed all 3 of my kids while taking Asacol. I also took it through out all 3 pregnancies. My doc's opinion was that a healthy mother was a better risk and the drug. But everyone has to make their own decisions as to what they are willing to risk.

FPO newhere
Joined Jul 26, 2010

Wed, July 21, 2010 2:06 PM

 Reply posted for jessb45.

When my twins were born I didn't breast feed but I did pump and they were in the NICU and the doctor let me give them my breast milk, so I would say it is relatively safe if I was allowed to pump for twins that were 9wks early!

FPO mommy2twinz
Joined Jul 24, 2008

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