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Anyone w/ hysterectomy experience?

Mon, July 26, 2010 1:47 PM

I have had UC/Crohn's (they go back and forth as to which one they think it is!) since high school. Luckily- it's always been mild/moderate. I am now 38 and facing a hysterectomy due to prolapse. I have 3 children. Has anyone with UC/Crohn's had a hysterectomy young and how did it go?

FPO newhere
Joined Jul 26, 2010

Sat, August 14, 2010 1:07 PM

 Reply posted for newhere.

I had a hys. at age 32 due to carcinoma in covered 2/3 of my cervix.........didn't know I had the colitis then but have alway had stomach problems from the hys. though........good was one of the best things I ever did.......and it probably saved my life!

FPO taw
Joined Oct 24, 2009

Wed, July 28, 2010 2:23 PM

 Reply posted for newhere.

Me!  I had a hysterectomy when I was 28.  Mine was due to endometriosis.  My Crohn's was diagnosed during the surgery.  Biopsy came back Crohn's.  Now some doctors speculate that my stricture removed in 2009 was actually endometrial in nature. I even have Crohn's now????  If they can leave your ovaries- keep them.  I did not have any problems with the hysterectomy.  I have not had any issues since.  I would advise you to take probiotics before and after (take them in the hospital!).  Get healthy.  Have someone take over the kiddies for as long as possible.  I have 3 also.  My baby was 18 months when I had mine.  Concentrate on proteins when you are recovering.  Take it easy!

On the subject of probiotics- Yes it matters which ones you take.  I use powdered ones by Natren.  Buy "drinking" them, you balance your flora in your mouth and tummy as well as your intestines.  I do much better with these and have had better results than using pill form.


FPO breezy
Joined Jan 5, 2009

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