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Crohn's flare and wanting to get pregnant

Thu, July 29, 2010 7:41 PM

I was diagnosed with Crohn's after my miscarriage and have been in the midst of a flare ever since.  It is now month 10 of my flare and there is no end in sight (currently taking Remicade but it is not working).

My question is: I am 34 and am really worried that when I finally go into remission, I'll be too old to conceive or carry a healthy baby.  I've already had one miscarriage and am fearful of more.  It weighs on me every single day.  Please - is there anyone who can offer any advice?

FPO lvngwithcrohns
Joined Jul 29, 2010

Tue, September 21, 2010 5:55 PM

 Reply posted for lvngwithcrohns.

I just came from my OBGN.  Also stating that I should be flare-free for 6 months before trying.  I suppose that it makes for a bigger risk.  Needless to say, I am upset.  But my mother has had crohn's for 30 years, and had 5 healthy children, without a moment of remission.  She did feel a lot better while pregnant though.  That is my only hope. 

Waiting to feel better, sometimes feels likes an endless prospect.  I don't know that this is supportive, but you should know that you are not alone, and when your body is ready for the pregnancy it will happen; no matter what the doctor's say.  

FPO illjill82
Joined Sep 21, 2010

Wed, September 01, 2010 6:19 PM

 Reply posted for lvngwithcrohns.

Crohn's flareups won't last forever! If Remicade isn't working and your GI still insists on it, after 10 months, stop the Remicade. It ain't going to start magically working after so long! Dead end, write it off. Remember the GI should listen to you-you should both have a good doc-patient relationship and such.

Seek a new avenue of treatment. Have you gotten the preliminary blood tests to see how much inflammation you've got and start new oral medication? It's a lot of trial and error. Possibly you need a butt scope?

My huge hangup with wanting children is my age as well. I'm 27 and I want kids before I'm 30 so I'm young enough to do anything with them.

I've heard getting preggers can help put the disease in remission, but it does depend on the severity. Try steroids and immunomodulators like good old 6MP. You can get pregnant on them if your GI determined that the benefits for you outweigh the risks.
Good luck!

FPO laura 6mp
Joined Aug 31, 2010

Wed, August 04, 2010 2:54 PM

 Reply posted for ilvsun.

I am also doing acupuncture every week for the Crohn's and it does help with the abdominal pain. It doesn't eliminate it, but it does reduce it to a manageable level.  

Otherwise, I also take Fish Oil supplements and probiotics.  I would recommend Turmeric supplements as well.  The main ingredient, curcuminoids, are proven to reduce inflammation.  I take 3000 mg per day, and it is sold in pill form at natural food stores.  Of course, check with your doctor before taking them because I am  not a physician but they seem to help me. 
Otherwise, I guess I'm doing everything I can to get better so I'll just have to wait it out.  
Good luck to you!

FPO lvngwithcrohns
Joined Jul 29, 2010

Wed, August 04, 2010 2:21 PM

 Reply posted for lvngwithcrohns.

Sigh me too. I was diagnosied this past January with Colitis

I have two step sons 20 and 23
last year we decided to have one of our own.  I;m 39, however, I cant seem to get rid of the steroids and the asacol.

I have started Omega 3,6,9 oil and pro-biotics.  I also started accupunture today.  I will do anything to get off these meds!!!!

FPO ilvsun
Joined Aug 4, 2010

Fri, July 30, 2010 3:01 PM

 Reply posted for lvngwithcrohns.

OMG, we are in the same boat. I've had two miscarriages and just had my first remicade treatment two days ago. I'm not ready to give up, but I can totally know how frustrating it can be. My doc says that i need to get rid of my fistuals and get into remission before he would like me to start trying again. The best advise i can give is to get yourself healthy and have a good relationship with your doc.

Good Luck!

FPO hesaves
Joined Nov 30, 2009

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