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Pregnant with Chrons and taking Remicade Infusions

Mon, August 16, 2010 5:44 PM

I have just found out that I'm pregnant. I was diagnosed with Chron's over a year ago. I have been getting Remicade Infusions. Im scared that if I continue taking it, it may harm the baby. Is there anyone that has gone through being pregnant and taking this med?? Is there any med's that you can recommend that wont hurt the baby?

FPO cherron1272001
Joined Oct 21, 2009

Tue, September 07, 2010 6:16 PM

 Reply posted for cherron1272001.

I just had a beautiful little boy June 26 and took Remicade throughout the pregancy. My doctor also told me that the risks of stopping and having a flare could be more harmful then the medication. The baby is just fine without any problems. I also took Pentasa during the pregnancy and am now taking Lialda due to insurance but all of these medications are Class B, which means they are safe to take during pregnancy (and breastfeeding). The one thing that we learned (from a webcast, IBD and She) is that if you are getting Remicade infusions during the pregnancy, your baby should not recieve any live vaccines for the first six months, because the Remicade will be in the babies system as well. I made sure my Crohn's was under control before we became pregnant and we had a good pregnancy. I had occasional pain but it was very mild and when I had these pains I made sure to take better control of my diet and would revert to a liquid diet for a few days to let things calm down. I was afraid it would be very uncomfortable and that the baby would cause pain as he grew and possibly cause a flare but he didn't. I hope you are doing okay so far and if you have any questions or would like to talk more, please let me know. My email is   

FPO yondelle
Joined Oct 28, 2009

Mon, August 30, 2010 3:19 PM

 Reply posted for cherron1272001.

I was on Remicade about 3 years ago until I found out I was preg. At the time they took me off the drug. Since then my doc said they decided the drug was safe to stay on during preg though. Whatever you do, if you stop it be very careful if they try to put you back on it. They tried to get me back on after the preg and I went into anaphylactic shock a week after the initial injection. ER docs had no clue was what happening to me so they said it could not possibly be the Remicade since that was a week earlier. So they tried the second injection a week later. Luckily I was in the hospital because I was in immediate shock, couldn't talk or move or anything. My husband was watching me and grabbed the nurse. About two hours later I was able to sit up and talk again and they sent me home. So be careful.

FPO crohnsmommy
Joined Jun 19, 2008

Tue, August 17, 2010 1:22 PM

 Reply posted for cherron1272001.

My Gastro told me that staying on Remicade while pregnant was better than taking the chance and going off of it. I was considering a 2nd child a year ago- but have since decided to adopt- not because of the Remicade.

FPO bummagnet
Joined Aug 17, 2010

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