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very irregular menstrual cycle- endometriosis?

Tue, August 31, 2010 4:32 PM

Hi ladies....
I've had crohn's for almost 6 years now, and this past year I was so sick that I required being on Prednisone for most of the year along with doses of Cipro, Flagyl, Cimzia, and Methotrexate.  Anyway, I haven't had my period since LAST July 4, and I had been on Yaz at that time.  I got off the Yaz because it wasn't making me menstruate anyway.  After discussing this with my gyno last month, she put me on Progesterone to get my period (apparently you should never go more than 3 months without a period and I went 1 year!)  I got off the progesterone 2 weeks ago, and did not have the "withdrawal period" you are supposed to have, but I became very bloated and slightly crampy.  A couple of days ago, I had my period- out of my RECTAL area!!!!!  That happened two nights in a row.  Then two days ago I did have a period for about 1 hour in the morning.... then nothing the rest of the day.  I had a period for about 1 hour again yesterday, then nothing the rest of the day as well.  Today- NOTHING.  However I am still very bloated in my stomach and my face. 
My question is, has anyone ever experienced anything at all like this?  I left several messages with my OBGYN today and am awaiting a call back....  I looked online and kept seeing the word "endometriosis" which scared me a little.  ANY advice at all would be appreciated!
Thank you!!

FPO jcliff
Joined Aug 14, 2010

Tue, August 31, 2010 4:52 PM

 Reply posted for JCliff.

No, doesn't sound like endometriosis at all to me. Don't go overboard looking things up online, as you have to take into account your personal history as well.

When you're sick, your body shuts down the menses and that'll kick up again when you're well enough. If you're bleeding rectally you should see your GI doctor about it. If it's red fresh blood, a sigmoidoscopy should be done to check for internal hemorrhoids. Even if you're reasonably well, it may still take some time to really kick the menses back up.

Let your GI know if you haven't already that your menses have temporarily stopped. They WILL come back!

FPO laura 6mp
Joined Aug 31, 2010

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