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Birth control and ulcerative colitis

Sat, November 06, 2010 12:00 AM

Hi all,

I was diagnosed a year ago with ulcerative colitis after having symptoms for about two years.  I'm managing to live with this pretty well.  I'm taking four Lialda a day, as well as one Rowasa enema, plus a handful of vitamins and supplements.  I'm 25 and pretty healthy when my colon is happy :)

I was on the NuvaRing three years ago and it was great: my acne cleared up, my moods were level, etc.  But my vision was affected by the progesterone changing how I retained water and thus the shape of my retinas.  Same thing has happened with Loestrin.  Yaz made me irritable and emotional.  I'm apprehensive about the non-hormonal IUD (Paragard) because I don't want heavier periods, and several people I know who use Mirena have pretty significant acne.

Has anyone out here had good luck with Mirena or the NuvaRing?  I'm wondering if I can find a way to not have my vision weaken while using the ring, and also if it'll affect my UC symptoms.  As for alternatives, I'd prefer to not have to use hormonal methods, but despite hearing that UC symptoms go away when you're pregnant, I'm not at a point in my life where I can raise kids.  Condoms are fun and all, but I'd love to not have to worry about them if possible.


FPO 192nausikaa
Joined Nov 5, 2009

Tue, December 28, 2010 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for 192Nausikaa.

Hey I'm on the hormonal BC pill, and I understand some people have objections to it but my OB/GYN is very knowledgable about IBD and he was saying that you should ask for the never pill. I don't know the brand name but basically its the hormone pill that never gives you your period. It takes like 3 months to work fully but as you probably know changing hormones messes with your gut like crazy and UTI's they say for people who havn't had children is kind of a rare thing to do. Also NuvaRing is hormones just so we are all aware. 

Its worth asking about. and bonus, no periods! 

FPO rachj
Joined Jun 2, 2008

Tue, November 23, 2010 4:32 PM

 Reply posted for 192Nausikaa.

I've had the Mirena in for 2+ years.  No problems here.  Talk to your dr. but I'd say give it a go.

FPO lillypilly
Joined Nov 23, 2010

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