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Sat, November 20, 2010 1:41 PM

Hi, I've had Ulcerative colitis for ten years now, and for the last year my disease has been active. I asked my doctor about my options for pregnancy in the near future and he explained it would be better to wait due to my disease not being completely under control even though I'm on 6mp, and having remicade treatments. I was just wondering other womens experience during and after prgnancy. I'm afraid that even if I get my disease under control I may have complications during or after the prgnancy. I'm really afraid that I'll be so sick I wouldn't be able to care for the baby without a lot of help, etc. We've talked about maybe considering adoption in the future in order to not put my body through all this. Any suggestions, personal experieice with this etc. would be great!!! Thanks so much!   =)

FPO sarah
Joined Mar 7, 2008

Mon, January 24, 2011 2:34 PM

 Reply posted for Sarah.

I was five months pregnant with my daughter when I started developing the symptoms of what eventually would be diagnosed as Crohns. The first trimester went fine with the exception of morning sickness. I think it is encouraging that you know going into a pregnancy that you already have health concerns and can see the right specialists to mitigate some of the risks. I was in the hospital several times during my pregnancy and ultimately ended up delivering my daughter at 32 weeks (she spent 5 wks in the NICU, that alone was enough to give the normal person ulcers). It was challenging recovering myself  as well (she is two now and I am still not in complete remission despite remicade and steriods), but worth it ultimately. Family is necessary for emotional and co-parenting support, I could not have done it without them! My husband and I would like to have another child, but until I am in remission to begin with I have been advised and I know personally that it is just not feasible. I worry that my second pregnancy could start another flare-up, I am not sure what the statistics on that are however. I wish you the best, in the end I think everyone's body handles pregnancy differently.

FPO tricksie3
Joined Aug 28, 2010

Wed, December 29, 2010 12:36 AM

 Reply posted for Sarah.

Hi there!
I've had UC for 13 years now, but I've been in remission for about the past 5, with minor flares that came under control within 2 weeks of more intensive treatments. I recently became pregnant and am not only experiencing every side effect of pregnancy in the book, but am having a massive flare as well. I'm in constant contact with my GI doc and OB and am on Mesalamine pills and enemas to control the flare, but the cramping contributes to the nausea and the exhaustion and everything else associated with first trimester pregnancy. Everyone is optimistic that this will be a "normal" pregnancy. I guess I would just remind you that everyone is different. If it makes you feel better to get your symptoms into remission before getting pregnant, then do that, but don't let this Gd awful disease stop you from getting pregnant. Symptoms come and go, but as long as you're getting treated and sticking to your medication whether you're having a flare or not (which I think is key -- just because you aren't in flare mode doesn't mean you're cured), then you should be fine. Definitely discuss further with your docs. Good luck!

FPO mucla
Joined Dec 28, 2010

Sat, December 04, 2010 2:45 PM

 Reply posted for AnnH72.

family support is key in helping you with your children- if it were not for my mother, father and husband it would have been a nightmare

FPO hjhhmh
Joined Nov 24, 2010

Sat, December 04, 2010 2:34 PM

 i was dealing with severe ulcerative colitis while pregnant with my daughter and even though i went through *** with the pregnancy my little girl will be turning one very soon and as far as we know she is very happy and healthy.

you can still take almost all of your perscriptions, just in a smaller dose, which makes it hard for the body to fight the illness and care for the baby. so needless to say i was hospitalized for 6 months, and delivered her a month early. after i had her, for about 3 months, my body still had some issues dealing with the post pregnancy issues and uc but stabalized.

i wish you the best if you chose to get pregnant while dealing with such an awful illness!

FPO hjhhmh
Joined Nov 24, 2010

Sun, November 21, 2010 12:40 PM

 Reply posted for Sarah.

I don't have a lot of advise really, just want to say I am sorry you are going through this hard decision. It sounds like a good idea to wait till you are better. I was just dx with UC for the first time while I am pregnant and it is really hard. Pregnancy symptoms are already bad enough but adding the symptoms and drug side effects to the mix makes coping with every day life nearly unbearable.  I have one child already and wonder how on earth I am going to take care of an infant and a toddler if I can't get this under control before the baby comes.
I hope you are feeling better soon.

FPO annh72
Joined Nov 21, 2010

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