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Crohn's and Pregnancy

Thu, December 30, 2010 12:46 PM

I am 29, have been married for a year and a half, and my husband and I are ready to have children. I have had an active flare for the past year, and a scope in June revealed two short strictures (5mm in diameter) in my illeum. My GI medicine doctor had me try Azathiprine (Imuran) on top of Entocort (Budesonide). Yesterday, I had a follow-up colonoscopy after 4 months on Azathioprine. Most of my ulcers are healed, but the strictures remain the same size and two ulcers close to one of the strictures are still open, most likely because there is limited blood supply (and therefore medicine) reaching the damaged area.  Although there are mixed opinions on how safe Azathioprine is during pregnancy, I do not wish to take any risks. My doctor thinks that I am healthy enough to sustain a pregnancy on predinose (which is safer for the fetus than Azathioprine or Entocort) instead of Azathioprine.  My side effects are always quite variable with prednisone, but are sometimes horrendous, and I can’t imagine feeling this way when I am pregnant. I am at a crossroads in my decision making.  If I am going to be without medication for a period of time (in order to have a drug-free pregnancy), my GI doctor would like this to be before I have surgery, so that I am only further damaging already damaged tissue, instead of letting the healthy tissue post-surgery become damaged. Although this logic makes sense, if it would ensure that I would have a “normal” pregnancy without flares or drugs, I think that having surgery before pregnancy would be worth it.  I have read that a lot of people have bad flares after delivery, and I am terrified of being very sick or of having to have surgery when I have a newborn at home.  I would really appreciate hearing from anyone who had had surgery or who has been through pregnancy with the disease.  Please let me know what your health was and what medicines or Crohn’s specific precautions you took throughout your pregnancy.  My sincerest thanks, Kim

FPO kimleckie
Joined Dec 30, 2010

Wed, February 23, 2011 11:56 PM

 Reply posted for kimleckie.

Definitely get your flare under control...or better yet gone!  A newborn (especiall your first child) is EXHAUSTING enough without being under attack with a flare.  Don't be in a rush to get pregnant.  1st pregnancy at age 34 and 2nd at age 37.  First pregnancy resulted in son born 5 weeks premature and my milk supply was too weak.  Second preg was 38 weeks with successful breastfeeding.  I was off meds during both pregnancies.  Both babies were small: 5 lbs son, 5lbs 11 oz daughter.  It was difficult for me to get enough nutrition.  Both kids are normal/healthy.  Good luck!






FPO sgwafford
Joined Feb 23, 2011

Tue, January 18, 2011 2:05 PM

 Reply posted for alanschachter.

Personnally I recommend having the surgery before you try to conceive. I have had 3 surgeries due to crohn's. Small bowel resection, two pelivic and rectal abscessess, 4 Power Piccs... Meds.. Lialda, remicade steriods, calcium, iron, I am going to be 28 in a few months and there is no way I can imagine having done all of that with an infant. I feel sooo much better now that i have started remicade and had the fistulas closed up. I miscarried my first pregnancy and found out this past friday that I am about four weeks into my second one. I want so badly to be excited but the fear of loss is always in the back of my mind. I am no expert but I know just how hard it is for some healthy women to create and sustain life with no hitches. If it were me try to get down to the least amount of meds u can and get surgery outta the way for a year. I love remicade and lialda. It has made remission wonderful for me. I wish you and yours the very very best. Good luck


FPO johnstonn26
Joined Jan 18, 2011

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