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those O so needed meds and pregnancy!

Wed, January 05, 2011 1:00 AM

I was just wondering how anyone else has handled getting pregnant and the meds doctors say you need. Even in remission most people have meds that they should be taking that with a baby on the way you wouldn't. Especially pain meds, anti-inflamatory ect

I mean everyones GI doc is different and every OBGYN is different what has everyone heard?

FPO rachj
Joined Jun 2, 2008

Mon, February 21, 2011 7:40 PM

 Reply posted for rachj.

I was on Lialda when I got pregnant but I was not aware that I was pregnant so I went to my doctor and he increase my medicine because of the flare up... Then couple days later I started to bleed but I though it was my period. Several days late I went in for a procedure and the doctor found out that I was pregnant. I had a miscarriage the next day. This was my first pregnancy.

Please note that if you are trying to have a baby....please take a pregancy test before your doctor change your medicine. The increase in medication had cause me to have a miscarriage.

I will try again once my colitis goes into remission.


FPO shawnett
Joined Feb 21, 2011

Thu, January 27, 2011 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for rachj.

I was on Remicade, prednisone, and Asacol during my pregnancy. My son is 10 months old now and so far he doesn't appear to have any issues. I was not in remission when I got pregnant and the Crohn's got much worse during pregnancy and resulted in me going into premature labor 7 weeks early. My baby is fine, but I would definitely recommend trying to get into remission any way you can before pregnancy and if you are lucky enough to be in remission stay on whatever meds got you there. I knew it was a risk to get pregnant while not in remission, but my doctor at the time thought it would be no big deal and told me to go ahead (I switched GIs mid-pregnancy and now see one who specializes in pregnant women with IBD). I am currently on 6mp and they've told me that is fine during pregnancy as long as you don't start it for the first time during pregnancy. I would like to try and have another baby one day and I will definitely stay on my meds if that happens. Good luck! 

FPO shanab
Joined Jan 27, 2011

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