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i may have crohns diease my reg doctor is sending me to a GI doctor to be tested for it

Tue, May 31, 2011 4:54 PM

i may have crohns diease my reg doctor is sending me to a GI doctor to be tested for it because something is really going on with me i have been sick throwing up off and on and having the diarrhea for 2 weeks now and also having alot of stomach pain  i am scared because there is something really going on at first my doctor throught it was the flu but i am not getting any better what should i know before i go to the GI doctor? and by the way my name is leah and i am 26 years old and married and i have alot of problems that is causeing me chronic pain i have a diease called endometriosis and also have fibromyalgia to its a sister to endometriosis atleast thats what i have heard and now my doctor thinks i could have crohns and also when i had my 3rd surgery for the endometriosis the doctor who done the surgery said my colon is very very inlarged its 3 times the size it should be could that be because of crohns? i changed the sn is there any way the other post can be taken down

FPO mayhavecrohns
Joined May 31, 2011

Thu, June 02, 2011 3:12 PM

The GI doctor usually likes to know how often your stomach pain occurs, how intense it is, how much it affects your daily life. They'll want to know how often you're having bowel movements, the consistancy of your stool- liquid, loose, soft, formed, hard and whether there is any noticible blood in your stool. They'll want to know about any nausea or vomiting. It may be helpful to notice if there are different times of the day, food, or activities that seem to bring on or relieve symptoms. They usually ask if you have a family history of any digestive dieseases- IBD, cancers, GERD and stuff like that.

Crohn's disease causes inflammation in your intestine, which can cause it to be thicker than the intestine of a person without Crohn's.

The GI doctor will probably order a CT scan, and I think probably a colonoscopy as well, or at least that is how mine was diagnosed.

If you do end up seeing a GI doctor for any chronic GI problem, and you see other specialists for your fibromyalgia and endometriosis, make sure that they all are able to coordinate your care, it can get a little hairy having 2 or more chronic conditions and you'll want to make sure you're getting the most of your treatments.

I hope I was able to answer some of your questions, good luck, and take care

FPO neverending
Joined Dec 8, 2010

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