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prednisone/skin&hair issues

Mon, July 04, 2011 8:47 AM

From January until about 2 weeks ago I'd been on cycle after cycle of prednisone (I was usually started at either 40 or 60mg, and then tapered down-sometimes I'd finish it completely before having symptoms and being started on higher doses again, sometimes not). The moodiness, emotional issues, and "fogginess" (for lack of a better word right now) that I experienced while taking prednisone have gone away...  but thank goodness I always had thick hair, because I lost so much hair while on prednisone... but now that I've stopped I still lose much more hair than I did before when I wash or brush it. And then of course since I'm losing it on top of my head, it's growing like crazy on my face... I'm only glad its blond and not noticible from a distance. I also had an awful outbreak of acne with the last IV dose that I thought would start to go away after I tapered off with the oral prednisone... and I guess its getting a little better bc its not so bad on my chest anymore (I'd never had breakouts on my chest before this) but its still pretty bad on my face.  Before prednisone I  used a wash and spot treatment that worked like a charm, but they do nothing for it now. And that face wash and spot treatment had previously been about the extent of my "beauty ritual." I've never even had my eyebrows waxed, now I'm wondering if I can't get somebody to wax my whole face. Anybody know how long it will take for this stuff to go away, or any products that can make it go away faster?

FPO neverending
Joined Dec 8, 2010

Tue, July 05, 2011 9:35 PM

 Reply posted for Jessi Messy.

Thanks for the reply! I was thinking about trying ProActive.  I know when I was a teenager it didn't help me out a lot, but I figured that since my skin is different now it might work.

Warm compresses and the spot treatment that I have (its Patricia Wexler from Bath and Body Works, the whole line works wonderfully normally, but not with the prednisone) have been taking care of them once they pop up, but not preventing them from popping up in the first place.

FPO neverending
Joined Dec 8, 2010

Tue, July 05, 2011 2:18 PM

 Reply posted for NeverEnding.

Not sure if it was healthy or not (and I was also too "foggy" to read the label well before trying it), but I got so desperate that I stole into my daughter's Proactive kit. I used it daily with the microderm scrub afterwards for a couple weeks. All the acne vanished!

Before the prednisone, I only ever had one or two pimples a month. But this was insane! I counted 15 at a time, spread across my jaw, cheeks, neck, chest, and back. I never knew how painful acne can be! And itchy!

Hang in there. If you are consistent about washing and keeping oils from your hands off of your face, it'll probably go away.

Also, don't pop them. Let them run their natural course. Popping can push the infection deeper, causing a bigger problem and leaving a crater in your face.

There may even be some natural remedies that I don't know about. Anyone know?

FPO jessi messy
Joined Jun 4, 2011

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