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weight gain/pain

Mon, January 02, 2012 3:18 AM

i have been diagnosed with chrone's about two years ago, and have been on a bunch of meds and have yet to find anything that works. i am getting very depressed about it. i was working out 2-4 hours a day at least four days a week and lost very little. and finally have gotten so sick i had to stop. i am just on a steady scale up on my weight. i feel ive tried everything. im a single mommy and can barley cahse my 3 year old around. i am 23 feeling 50. just looking for any ideas on food, exercise, meds. anything at this point

FPO cuddysr
Joined Jan 2, 2012

Fri, February 10, 2012 1:14 PM

 Reply posted for cuddysr.

Hey, sorry to hear how you're feeling. There are so many types of medication so try to explore them with your physician or try a different physician if nothing helps. I'm a 23 year old female too and I have Crohn's.

Just be conscious to eat a balanced meal and take multivitamins.Avoid too much fiber and red meats since they tend  to be harder to digest.  Drink lots of water and avoid sodas and coffee and citric drinks. From my experience, I felt much better after I made these changes. 

I know that with weight gain there is an additional pressure on appearence. Ignore it! You need to focus on feeling better first. Try to do like 30mins of walking everyday  and just take deep breathes for 15mins. When you feel better, you can think about hitting the gym and other activities. 

It may be useful to speak to a counselor too. Personally, I've done all these things and these changes have helped me significantly. 

Hope it helps. Feel better! :)

FPO jyo77
Joined Feb 10, 2012

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