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Symptoms worse during period?

Thu, May 10, 2012 3:26 PM

Does anyone feel like their flare ups are worse during their period?  Anyone know if this is common with Crohn's?

FPO fedorli
Joined May 10, 2012

Fri, November 09, 2012 2:43 PM

 Reply posted for HabsFan.

Hi all!

I cannot believe after all the years I've been involved with CCFA that I never joined the community! I feel like I'm amongst family...

OK, so yes, your periods are worse during a Crohns flare.  Most doctors either do not acknowledge you when you make this revelation or just don't have an answer for you.  Ladies, this disease is trial and error unfortunately.  I had been telling my doctor (who  presently is no longer my doc) of the increased pain and bleeding during my period.  Keep in mind, I have NEVER had cramping or flares during a cycle.  He never had anything to offer to the conversation or suggested hormone tests.

I turned 40 this year, am very active and eat healthy.  However, after my last child I never went back on the  pill.  I failed to realize the connection.  If you are having serious pain, I would explore the option of going on a low-dose pill.  I've already made an appointment to see my OB/GYN next week.  After struggling with my longest flare ever (sick since January), and doing everything I can to get off of steroids, I believe that taking a bc pill once a day is the least of my worries.

There's no one answer! Sorry to ramble on, but I have so much to get out!!
For example, I cut my complex carbs and granular sugar intake in half on Jan 1.  Within 2 days, my mega-flare was better by I'd say 80%.  The problem is that lingering 20% that continues to nag and pick at your body. The next change was going "gluten free".  Quite honestly, I rarely eat anything made of flour--just not worth the pain.  Every small change you make, I believe, will add up to better living.  Although, at 40, my hormones are all out of whack and directly affecting the flare.

FPO rmpshkr
Joined Nov 9, 2012

Wed, October 17, 2012 9:29 PM

 Reply posted for fedorli.

So glad I looked this up! I have worse symptoms during my period too, awful back pain and stomach pain to the point where I want to cry and no position is comfortable! I was checked for any cysts on my uterus or endometriosis and luckily everything came back fine! My crohns dr looks at me like I'm crazy when I say how my crohns symptoms worsen during my period! Glad to know I'm not crazy and not the only one!

FPO blonde157
Joined Oct 17, 2012

Fri, August 31, 2012 2:42 PM

 Reply posted for fedorli.

Thank goodness for this forum! I have been feeling so alone and sad and angry this morning. Have had Crohn's for a year and a half; been in remission for about a year. Save for a few brief episodes, I feel great. Last night I started to get mid abdominal cramping and woke up this morning with the pain much more intense, plus D. Joy! I'm getting ready for a 10 day road trip and it's a little scary. I'm grateful it's happening now and not on the road, but still, it's extremely frustrating because there is too much to do before I leave and don't have time to be sick. Googled my symptoms and came across lots of articles saying women often see flare up symptoms during their time of the month. This make so much sense! I am so relieved to read that others have experienced this because it gives me hope that it will pass quickly. In fact, I actually started full on menstruating about half an hour ago and in the last ten minutes the pain seems to have decreased. Pain pain go away, don't come back another day!

FPO chefwithcrohns
Joined Jul 26, 2012

Tue, July 31, 2012 7:41 PM

 Reply posted for fedorli.

I finished the 3 course remicade treatment ( 2 weeks/4 weeks/8 weeks) and have been symptom free since the day after my first infusion on March 23.  My last infusion was May 5th. Now I'm just on 100mg of azathioprine.  I have always (before the remicade) experienced worsening of my symptoms during my period. Last week I got my period, and its like my crohn's has decided it just wants to restart! My period has ended and my crohns flare is still going strong. Has this happened to anyone else?  I am so frustrated, everything was going so well, and now I'm regressing back to square 1 again. Thoughts/Advice? Thanks!!

FPO ash
Joined Feb 22, 2011

Fri, July 06, 2012 9:04 AM

 Reply posted for dmac.

Thank you for your reply.  I was never told to stop using the pill.  I have been on it for over 20 years!  
Thanks for the info on progesterone levels during a period.  

FPO fedorli
Joined May 10, 2012

Fri, July 06, 2012 8:06 AM

 Reply posted for fedorli.

Hi -

I noticed similar trend last year. I have crohn's for 3 years now.  I notice that during ovulation (about one week after my period) that my crohn's is worse.  I did some reading on and a few other sites and also talk to my doc. What I found was that during ovulation the amount of estrogen rises and estrogen causes immune system to 'protect' and sometimes for those of us w/ crohn's we protect too much and flare.  Then later after ovulation things are great as that is when progesteren gets back to normal and progeseterin causes body to release natural form of anti-inflammatory.  That is why many people on the pill can be bettter - however i would caution gettign on the pill when you have crohn's as my GI doc says not good idea as folks w/ crohn's have more chance for blood clots and also the pill can increase that risk.  I looked that up on and it was found to be true. I guess our immune system clots our blood better and more often. So anyhow that is what I found.
I just decided to eat light and go semi liquid diet during the last few days of my period and first 2 days of ovulation.

good luck.

FPO dmac
Joined Sep 16, 2010

Fri, June 15, 2012 10:28 AM

 Reply posted for fedorli.

I have noticed a trend between worsen symptoms and my period. I started the pill, and it has really helped regulate my symptoms during my period. 

At first I was wary, because after starting Ocella, I was diagnosed with Crohn's, but Ocella and Yasmin as now known to cause IBS. I am now on a pill called Junel Fe and it has really helped!

FPO chrissy.connors
Joined Jun 15, 2012

Wed, May 16, 2012 7:50 AM

 Reply posted for fedorli.

Thanks for the responses!  I have now missed my last two periods & I'm wondering what that is all about since I am on the pill and always get it right on time(maybe early menopause for me?). My GYN has given me several ultrasounds checking on pain and everything always checks out fine. I will check out the website. Thanks.

FPO fedorli
Joined May 10, 2012

Wed, May 16, 2012 6:27 AM

 Reply posted for fedorli.

Fedorli....everyone I have talked to seems to say the same thing.  I know I have no issues with my period (set a clock to me, never had cramps), but if my CD is acting up or even when it's not always is worse around that time.  I don't have endometriosis (had it checked cause my sis had it) and that was my first thought.  I always felt it was that our bodies are weakened some physically and we don't fight inflammation as well because we have too much else going on.  Now that it appears I am in early onset menopause, I still have worse CD even if I have no period that month.  I jsut write it off to my body can't do it all at once :-)

That being said, if you are suffering a lot, I would definitely talk to your docs about some relief.  I think my BC pills helped me, but I don't have anything scientific on that.

OK...I am having one of those can't think straight days and rambling...hope it helped

FPO habsfan
Joined Jan 9, 2012

Mon, May 14, 2012 4:30 PM

 Reply posted for Angellynn.

Just found a really interesting link to a potential reason why crohns flare ups could be worse during your period: Apparently endometriosis could be a reason, since it's linked to crohns, but it could also just be the stress of menses. I think it's wise to talk to your gynocologist about what the best solution is for you, whether it's a different form of birth control or a new diagnosis.

FPO peterpeter857
Joined Apr 15, 2012

Thu, May 10, 2012 7:48 PM

 Reply posted for fedorli.

I was just looking this up online and it seems to be common. I have noticed the pain in my back and regular cramps to be much worse. I haven't ate anything but toast and soup for 4 days because it is so bad. I have an appointment at the end of the month and this topic is top on my list.
Hope you feel better!

FPO angellynn
Joined Feb 1, 2012

Thu, May 10, 2012 7:48 PM

 Reply posted for fedorli.

I was just looking this up online and it seems to be common. I have noticed the pain in my back and regular cramps to be much worse. I haven't ate anything but toast and soup for 4 days because it is so bad. I have an appointment at the end of the month and this topic is top on my list.
Hope you feel better!

FPO angellynn
Joined Feb 1, 2012

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