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Irregular menstrual cycles after 6mp

Sun, November 18, 2012 2:40 AM

Hi everyone - I am a 28 year old female diagnosed at about 15 yrs old with Crohns. I have been in remission for several years now and medication free for the last year :) My husband and I are trying to start a family but its proving difficult as I have highly irregular periods. I was on birth control for about the first year of our marriage, but stopped because they were making me a crazy lady:) I decided maybe it wasn't such a good idea to be messing with my hormones anyway and have not taken birth control in nearly 3 years. I have always had pretty regular periods up until a year ago - when I stopped taking 6mp (which is ironic in my mind since I thought one of the side effects of being on 6mp is irregularity/infertility). I have had only 6 periods this year so far ranging from 27 days to 83 days in length. My ob/gyn tested my thyroid levels and everything came back normal. My husband just got a new job and we are waiting for the new insurance to kick in December 1st - so I haven't been able to go have further exams/testing done since March. So I guess my question is: is it possible that the 6mp could have severely disrupted my hormone levels even this long after discontinuing it? Has anyone else had a similar experience?I am trying to avoid the thoughts that its possible I could also have PCOS, although my only symptom of that would be the irregular periods.

Thanks for any feedback :)

FPO emilybos
Joined Nov 18, 2012

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