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Infertility and Crohn's - rant

Sat, March 09, 2013 8:29 PM

So I've had moderate to severe Crohn's for about 10 years now. Just got diagnosed with male factor infertility due to past surgical history of my husband's childhood, and I only have one ovary/fallopian tube from a torsion surgery when i was 12 so I have a low egg count. Just got the okay to start IUI in January. Then I got the flu. Now I have a flare. My bloodwork looks like junk. Oh, and my periods are now skipping around whenever they want to, for fun on top of it. I just want to complain.

Anyone else trying to get pregnant with Crohn's/ UC? Anyone else dealing with infertility on top of it? Been TTC for 3 years now. I'm 27, my husband's 28.

FPO jezjiah13
Joined Sep 25, 2008

Thu, April 11, 2013 5:16 PM

 Reply posted for jezjiah13.

I had irregular periods and long cycles. The doctor said i was probably not ovulating. She told me to pee on the ovulation sticks for like 20 days instead of the normal length of time since my periods and cycles were so long its hard to predict ovulation. (those sticks are pricey too) So i peed on all of them and nothing said i was ovulating.  I assumed it confirmed what the doctor thought. 47 days later still no period and turns out i was pregnant! I feel very blessed. Hang in there even when the doctors think one thing your body can prove them wrong. I am on Humira and Imuran and have crohns disease. (i was in remission when i got pregnant though).
I was getting B12 and folic acid shots before and during pregnancy since its my small intestine that is the diseased part. (they wanted to make sure i was absorbing both because pills sometimes dont absorb that well when your small intestine is damaged. 

Hang in there, ill be hoping for you to get pregnant soon. 

FPO aehc
Joined Feb 15, 2011

Sun, March 17, 2013 6:55 PM

 Reply posted for processpending.

My gastro has been pretty helpful and supportive. I've been seeing him for years now so he trusts me to not do anything rash or stupid without his okay with my infertility doctor. My OBGYN has been kind of an idiot throughout everything, and I'll probably switch to a high risk one once I get pregnant anyways (not if I do, once I do!!!!) My reproductive endocrinologist basically wouldn't do anything to me until we got the okay from my gastro, so it's good that we're all kind of working together on the mutual goal. it's just frustrating that everyone's on board but my body!

Good luck with everything! Definitely look around for all the info you can get; you can't be too informed!

FPO jezjiah13
Joined Sep 25, 2008

Sat, March 16, 2013 10:38 PM

 Reply posted for jezjiah13.

I'm sorry to hear you've had so many health problems. It's nice to just let it all out once in a while.
My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for close to 7 months, His brother is sterile and I'm getting ready to switch treatments, which probably means a flare up and no chance of baby for a good few months. 
I hope you have a doctore whose supportive and knowledgeable. Mine freaked when I mentioned pregnancy and had no advice to offer on how the new meds could affect pregnancy.
If you ever want/need to talk or rant, I'm here. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.


FPO processpending
Joined Jan 9, 2018

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