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Fri, September 18, 2015 9:51 AM

Hey all,Im perusing the forum trying to see what folks are eating when in my situation. Ive had Crohns since 2011. Until this past year I have kinda been in denial about it and mostly healthy. In the last year ive been in the hospital 6 times. In the last 2 months Ive been in 3 times. I am in regular daily pain and not sleeping well because of it. I often am playing with my daughter or making dinner with my wife and have to stop, and fall on the floor in screaming pain. It comes on strong out of the blue. Lotsa crying goin on...naturally. So angry and frustrated. Im trying to be as open and honest here for my own emotional relief. 😅 I also am sure Im not alone in this experience. The main reason for my post is to get some real advice on getting calories with minimal pain consequence. If anyone has advice on what to eat during such times of pain and flare please do share! Thanks in advance and much empathy and sympathy to those of you who have gone thru or are going thru similar tribulations.

FPO takecharge
Joined May 6, 2010

Wed, September 30, 2015 4:28 PM

 Reply posted for takecharge.


I have been suffering from Crohns for almost 2 years now and was finally diagnosed 4 months ago. I was told that diet did not play a role in my chronic illness but have found tons of research and success stories that prove otherwise. I went on the Autoimmune Protocol (Autoimmune Paleo) and while my symptoms have not disappeared they are have really decreased in severity!

I have been on the elimination portion of the protocol for 4 months and have just begun reintroducing foods. Basically I started by eliminating all the foods that cause inflammation or are difficult for the bowels to digest, giving my body a break. Most people do this for 1-4 months. I started adding foods back in one at a time, permanently eliminating those I had strong GI reactions too. It has been helpful for me and might be worth looking into.

The foods I originally eliminated where: grains (including corn), dairy, eggs, legumes/beans (including peanuts), nightshade veggies, seeds, nuts, sugars (except honey and pure maple syrup), preservatives and alcohol. So basically I ate meat, fruits and veggies. It is hard to do but I have seen alot of improvment and have started reintroducing foods with success.

The protocol also focuses on proper stress managment, adequate sleep, excerise and time outside. In combination with diet there are some pretty inspiring stories out there of success for those suffering from an autoimmune disorder. Even if you dont follow the diet in its entirety, it may be worth it to check out some of the worst offenders and try to elminate those.

Hope this helps!

FPO tousie22
Joined Sep 30, 2015

Wed, September 30, 2015 4:28 PM

 Reply posted for takecharge.


I have been suffering from Crohns for almost 2 years now and was finally diagnosed 4 months ago. I was told that diet did not play a role in my chronic illness but have found tons of research and success stories that prove otherwise. I went on the Autoimmune Protocol (Autoimmune Paleo) and while my symptoms have not disappeared they are have really decreased in severity!

I have been on the elimination portion of the protocol for 4 months and have just begun reintroducing foods. Basically I started by eliminating all the foods that cause inflammation or are difficult for the bowels to digest, giving my body a break. Most people do this for 1-4 months. I started adding foods back in one at a time, permanently eliminating those I had strong GI reactions too. It has been helpful for me and might be worth looking into.

The foods I originally eliminated where: grains (including corn), dairy, eggs, legumes/beans (including peanuts), nightshade veggies, seeds, nuts, sugars (except honey and pure maple syrup), preservatives and alcohol. So basically I ate meat, fruits and veggies. It is hard to do but I have seen alot of improvment and have started reintroducing foods with success.

The protocol also focuses on proper stress managment, adequate sleep, excerise and time outside. In combination with diet there are some pretty inspiring stories out there of success for those suffering from an autoimmune disorder. Even if you dont follow the diet in its entirety, it may be worth it to check out some of the worst offenders and try to elminate those.

Hope this helps!

FPO tousie22
Joined Sep 30, 2015

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