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Bone broth, soothing herbs and juicing juicing juicing!

Thu, January 21, 2016 2:53 PM

So I was diagnosed with a severe case of ulcerative colitis end of summer 2015. 2 week hospital stay complete with steroids, remicade and inadequate hospital foods. The second my inflammation decreased I booked it out of there to continue my own fight and research with this disease. Keep in mind I am a medical student who supports modern healthcare, but my experience of being a patient in this system has opened my eyes to it's flaws. Treating symptoms and healing them are not the same thing.

Once I tapered off the Roids and horrible symptoms of Remicade, I began taking 
Supplements: Chromium, b12, iron, Vit C, Vit D,  adult multivitamins
Drinking: More water, Aloe vera, Slippery Elm bark tea, Green matcha tea, Licorice root tea, Probiotics, Carrot/veggie juice
Consuming: Bone broth( homemade), gelatin, salmon, kimichi, keffir, probiotic yogurt, kombucha, fruits, vegetables


Most importantly I have now become an advocate for use of medical marijuana! I don't care what the ignorant say.. It helps inflammation tremendously. After doing research on RSO (Rick simpson's oil) which is a concentrated extract of THC/CBD from the plant and consuming the oil since I was released from hospital, I can only promise that it has the most profound benefits of any treatment I've undergone. I'm not a smoker but taking one hit immediately halts my urgency, pain and discomfort. Eating the medicine has longer lasting effects. I'm in the process of getting a green card and using this oil for maintenance. If I didn't have this option during a flare up, I'd definitely have to turn back to pharmaceutical drugs. 

Strictly eliminated: Most breads, starches, sweets, alcohol, fried foods.


Follow me, updated daily

FPO natof9
Joined Jan 21, 2016

Sun, July 17, 2016 7:30 AM

 Reply posted for nourse4.

Hey there! Haha yeah I feel like I have it all figured out at least when it's pertaining to myself lol  I wish I could recommend what works for me with others, but it wouldn't be right. Best way is to go all out and try yourself eh! Man I know how you feel- it's like I need to work to earn money so I can afford the essential things I need to help heal myself and stay alive!  

Yeah cannabis will certain help with immediate symptoms of inflammation, appetite, joint pain or weird side effects from pharmaceuticals- but alas they are all temporary and the real healing I believe needs to be focused on your gut. I think it's excellent that you are taking matters into your own hands and figuring out what your diet should consist of. Just make sure to give your gut 1-3 days of liquids/soothing stuff etc then start slowly introducing heavier foods when you feel the inflammation is improving. Gotta really listen to your body which is hard isn't it when you have a million things going on at once haha Like is it the roids? Was it that piece of toast or am why am just craving salt and sugar so much?! Hehe trial and error at it's finest <3

If you're keeping a daily blog/journal yourself feel free to share! Like how your meds are treating you atm or when you taper off them..Keeping up with other's going through the same journey is just as much motivation and support for me and other IBD sufferers. 

FPO natof9
Joined Jan 21, 2016

Sat, July 16, 2016 12:18 AM

 Reply posted for natof9.

i love reading your posts and hope to stay in touch.

i re-started the gaps diet this past january but did not work enough to prevent my now second round with  steroids and am also taking imuron.

i'm not sure how to move past the intro diet on gaps as the prednazone masks all my symptoms.  somehow reading your posts sounds like you have it figured out.
especially the pot part...except right now i have to stay clean as am looking for work (bad timing as am ill but gotta make money)...once i get a job am going to try the cbc thing you were talking about....i've heard that can really help.

so now my diet is *** , the juice, cooked veggies and meat...try to vary it as much as possible.  because of second flare right on heals of coming off prednazone i backed up and went off eggs and my fermented yogurt...don't know if that was wise or not.

just wanted to reach out.  thanks.

FPO nourse4
Joined Jul 16, 2016

Mon, July 11, 2016 6:02 PM

 Reply posted for natof9.

Follow my healing journey- got some inspiration/motivational/spiritual blurbs as well as an archive of meals I consume on the daily :) 

If this forum is still active I'd love for you all to share your journey;s with me as well! <3

FPO natof9
Joined Jan 21, 2016

Mon, July 11, 2016 5:51 PM

 Reply posted for annao.

Hey sorry also for the late response. If you can please let me know how your healing journey is going! Definitely a good idea to get more than 1 doctor's opinion. I actually don't have a family doctor at the moment, because I am stubborn lol Naturopathic doctors, other GI specialists around the country and other chron's/colitis patients have been my main contacts. 

I would suggest doing some online research of testimonials and people's personal healing methods. Veganism, paleo diet, gluten free diets, no processed sugars diets, lactose free diets would be a good place to start if you haven't already. Fermented foods, probiotics, teas like slippery elm and medical cannabis treatments. The pharmaceutical drugs should just be there in the beginning to help your immune system deal with the inflammation temporarily while the gut regains some semblance of normalcy. I really don't believe there should be a reason for continuous symptoms of inflammation unless you are continuing to do something wrong.

With the case of Candida- I did my own personal observations- whenever I am addicted to sugar and feeding that craving- I almost immediately within 2-3 days develop Candida discharge yeast infection symptoms. (Especially closest to my period when hormones are running all over the place lol) The last 2 recent flare ups I've had it was always accompanied with a yeast infection. Candida feeds off Sugar. It messes up your gut flora causing inflammation. Before my first diagnosis of colitis I admittely was depressed and carelessly binging on belgium waffles, chinese bakery cakes, ice cream, pizza like I did not give a care. Had a weird reaction to the last waffle I ate about 30 mins in- like I was hallucinating and had to vomit. Since then the symptoms of colitis began. And thats the connection I make for myself lol

FPO natof9
Joined Jan 21, 2016

Mon, July 11, 2016 5:42 PM

 Reply posted for bmo162.

Hey sorry for the late reply- forgot about this forum as life kinda went on haha. How is your healing going? Fermented foods have helped tremendously, but once again everything in moderation. Anything that's gluten/lactose free. I mean its not completely necessary to be strict while in remission, but why not just give your gut less problems by avoiding it entirely. The SCD diet is found to be tremendously helpful, but personally I have made many adjustments to my new and improved diet protocol. It kind of ranges from veganism to paleo diet. Of course I cannot claim to live either lifestyles, but I try to take the most out of the vegan diet with fresh fruits and healing vegetables as well as incorporating free range/organic meats (Salmon/chicken/turkey/eggs). About 80% fruits veggies and 20% meats. I do fasting with liquid diets involving soups broths, smoothies, juiced carrots etc- 1 or 2 days to help clear out my intestines. I know everyone is different and needs to find a balance, but this is what heals my gut, aiding it back into Remission. Admittedly I will flare up when my discipline falters/emotional stress prevails etc. Thats all i really feel I have to work on. This dis-ease is a challenge and a blessing you can say. Are you still on medication? Teas and herbs taken in conjunction with supplements everyday is also helpful

FPO natof9
Joined Jan 21, 2016

Tue, February 23, 2016 10:20 PM

Hi&nbsp;<br /> thanks for the post. I actually was diagnosed with Chrons&nbsp;around the same time also with a 2week&nbsp;stay in the hospital, but they put me on tpn for 2months with I think helped a lot.<br /> <br /> Have you heard of the SCD diet? I&#39;m currently using that diet, but they say not to eat any most start he&#39;s (kind of like u suggested) , but that also includes rice and soy.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> I have been craving kimchi&nbsp;especially the pickled radish version, but the gochujang&nbsp;paste they use to make it contact rice malt and it normally contains soy sauce and small amounts of sugar, which I&#39;m also not suppose to eat. &nbsp;Do you think it would still be ok for me to try because of the&nbsp;probiotics?&nbsp;<br /> <br /> <br /> I know now everyone is different, but just wondering what your opinion is.&nbsp;

FPO bmo162
Joined Feb 23, 2016

Tue, February 23, 2016 10:19 PM

Hi&nbsp;<br /> thanks for the post. I actually was diagnosed with Chrons&nbsp;around the same time also with a 2week&nbsp;stay in the hospital, but they put me on tpn for 2months with I think helped a lot.<br /> <br /> Have you heard of the SCD diet? I&#39;m currently using that diet, but they say not to eat any most start he&#39;s (kind of like u suggested) , but that also includes rice and soy.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> I have been craving kimchi&nbsp;especially the pickled radish version, but the gochujang&nbsp;paste they use to make it contact rice malt and it normally contains soy sauce and small amounts of sugar, which I&#39;m also not suppose to eat. &nbsp;Do you think it would still be ok for me to try because of the&nbsp;probiotics?&nbsp;<br /> <br /> <br /> I know now everyone is different, but just wondering what your opinion is.&nbsp;

FPO bmo162
Joined Feb 23, 2016

Sun, February 14, 2016 10:29 PM

 Reply posted for natof9.

Thank you for your post!  My UC symptoms have subsided since I started taking Asacol.  My initial flare was a bloody stool; however, thinking back to when it started, I was under high stress and eating horribly.  I was in the thick of a high pressure grad school program and about to change positions at work.  I consume a lot of bread and coffee with occasional alcohol and sweets.  A friend recently approached me and had me look in to Candida overgrowth.  Since I've been on Asacol, I haven't had a flare...thank goodness!

What was it that led you to the Candida overgrowth conclusion?  I've read one article online that gave me some information; however, I would like to learn more and then schedule an appointment with my doctor.  Any articles you could recommend for me to learn from would be incredibly helpful.  Thanks so much for sharing your story!  It was nice to read a post of someone's that I can relate to.


FPO annao
Joined Oct 18, 2014

Thu, January 21, 2016 2:54 PM

 Reply posted for natof9.

Since my diagnoses I have had a couple of flare ups due to testing what works for my body and what does not. Lot's of trial and error if you want to solve anything in life. What I've learned is if I stick to a disciplined diet promoting cooling and healing of the inflammation (NOT putting in food that will elongate the recovery process) and NOT give into my habitual cravings- results in remission. The next step is maintaining this diet and slowly adding bulkier foods for weight gain. Exercise, peace of mind with yourself and the world plays a huge factor in healing as well. 

My conclusion is that MY symptoms of UC were triggered by inner emotional issues, stress and a consistently poor diet. I now have reason to believe overgrowth of Candida/parasites, the sugars, alcohols, coffee, breads I'd consume played a huge role for inflammation. I'm also taking my lymphatic system into account. Detoxifying has been working wonders! The second I stray from my routine or indulge simply due to being in remission, is when my flare ups happen. 

While traveling in East Africa this winter, I had to go back on the prednisone because my herbs and diet weren't readily available there, but if I was prepared, there wouldn't have been a problem. You gotta take responsibility for your own illness. Do the research, share the knowledge and apply it.

Hope any of this information helps :)

FPO natof9
Joined Jan 21, 2016

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