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Any Vegetarians/Vegans with Crohn's?

Sat, April 14, 2018 10:25 AM

Hi there, I was wondering if there are any other plant-based eaters out there who also have a digestive disease...I've been diagnosed for 2 years now. I'm 27, and I've been on a sliding scale pescatarian to vegan for the past 8 years. 

Currently I'm vegetarian, practically vegan. The only animal product I still consume semi regularly is cheese. I don't really buy eggs, milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, etc. In the past week in particular, I was eating healthier than usual - mostly raw fruits, raw veggies and trail mix. However my digestive track didn't like that very much, and I wasn't feeling 100% at all. Bloating, gassy, cramping, etc. 

Any tips on how to balance eating healthy while also eating more tolerable foods? I find that all the bland, white, easily digestible foods don't have that much nutritious value. I think a good starting point is more well-cooked and very ripe fruits and veggies, no skins or seeds.

Any good recommendations on tasty canned and frozen fruits and veggies that are easily digestible? I find they're few and far between...

Thank you!


FPO PhilomenaCrimsn
Joined Apr 14, 2018

Fri, December 01, 2023 1:19 PM

Reply posted for JAMESMADISON.

A vegetarian or vegan diet may be a helpful dietary approach for some people with Crohn's disease. These diets are typically rich in fiber, which can help to promote gut health and reduce inflammation. Additionally, vegetarian and loppers vegan diets are typically low in saturated fat and cholesterol, which can also be beneficial for people with Crohn's disease.

FPO Reggroup
Joined Dec 4, 2021

Mon, July 10, 2023 10:41 PM

Reply posted for PhilomenaCrimsn.

For individuals with Crohn's disease who choose to follow a vegetarian or vegan diet, it's crucial to ensure they are meeting their nutritional requirements jacksmith, as the condition can affect nutrient absorption and digestion.

FPO carinamon
Joined Jun 11, 2023

Sun, July 29, 2018 11:31 PM

Reply posted for PhilomenaCrimsn.

Hi, I'm a vegan who was just diagnosed with Crohn's, so this is all very new to me. I typicall eat very little processed foods and absoutley can't tolerate any dairy or gluten (runs in the family). And from what I've read, dairy can be a culprit in this disease for many people, so see how you do if you eimlinate it for awhile. There are plenty of good tasting vegan cheeses availalble now--check Whole Foods.  I recommend tofu if you can do soy--it's an acquired taste, but i grill it with olive oil and eat it with rice. 

I do understand that my high fiber diet (love raw veggies) wasn't doing myself any favors, and of course, I  understand the disease was keeping me from absorbing the nutrients I needed. 

Per doctor's orders, I'm currently on a very bland diet right now while we get this under control, but I can have skinless fruit, like cantaloupe and bananas. I'm also going to check with my doctor to see if juicing some veggies will be an acceptable way to consume them--if not now, perhaps when I'm in remission.

Good luck to you!

FPO kmilam29
Joined Jul 29, 2018

Fri, June 29, 2018 4:31 PM

Reply posted for JAMESMADISON.

Hello there,
It has been found that people with Crohns/Colitis cannot process raw salads.The green leaves cannot be processed in our system. We can eat cooked spinach, kale and broccoli. We can boil root vegetables, such as cassava, eddoes, sweet potaoes, asian potatoes etc. We can also boil green bananas. These are items that I use a lot of, and I have no stomach issues. I try not to use processed foods. You can look for my blog where I discuss my solution to my UC problem.


Joined Mar 28, 2018

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