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Diet to naturally control disease

Thu, June 25, 2020 3:36 AM

Reply posted for Lredon.

Hello! Very interesting! I also watched the sales video this heal your gut guy put out, but I am still hesitating to purchase the program.
He mentioned that with one drop of an essential oil he could get rid of candida. Do you know which essential oil he was talking about?
Thanks and hope you are still fine!

FPO hallo
Joined Jun 25, 2020

Tue, March 21, 2023 1:04 AM

Reply posted for hallo.

No matter what type of massager you choose, it's important to understand how to use it properly and safely. Massage therapists are trained to use the device in the right way to ensure the best results. If you're considering using a massager, be sure to ask your massage therapist for advice and instructions on how to use it correctly.MassagerCity

FPO jemijonson12
Joined Sep 14, 2022

Tue, October 06, 2020 7:11 AM

Reply posted for Lredon.

I have suffered UC for 20-years and in the grand scheme of things, manage fairly well, with flares typically lasting 2-3 months and occurring anything from 5 years to a matter of months apart.  I have been though a number of tablet/enema treatments, some of which work well initially but often less well subsequently.
I know every person’s UC is different in terms of severity, cause, treatment, diet etc, but I thought I’d share this:
For me, there is always a trigger that I can now identify for a flare. Common ones are: thick pastry, cream, beef, junk food, too much food in one meal, too much alcohol.
I do have a very healthy diet, probably aligned more to the Mediterranean type, but I do sometimes indulge in less healthy options which I sometimes end up paying for with a minor flare. I eat plenty of bread (sourdough), I eat meat/fish and lots of salad, vegetables, eggs and olive oil. I also add things like sauerkraut to help gut health/balance. On the whole, I eat just about everything but will give most fat/sugar/wheat-based processed junk a very wide-birth, I also as a rule avoid too much dairy.  There are also many foods that I’ll happily eat usually but will avoid during a flare, eg sweet potatoes, cheese, broccoli
I have recently had a couple of flares that proved very difficult to control and remediate with drugs and diet.. What I have now discovered, is that that time-restricted eating has a huge effect.  There is a lot you can find online about the benefits from Dr Rangan Chatterjee and Professor Satchin Panda.  There is an excellent Podcast set from Dr Rangan Chatterjee.
I would not advocate fasting, but there is clear evidence that in general our eating window is too long, I aim for 8 hours, take a late breakfast and don’t eat past 8pm.
My point is, I have learned that my UC can be well managed though diet. However, there are so many diet do’s & don’ts, most of which can be very person-specific, it has taken many years of trial & error food-diary’ing to work out what’s best for me – BUT time-restricted eating has been a game changer for me.  It really could be worth a try.

FPO Deano
Joined Apr 16, 2020

Tue, September 29, 2020 1:25 PM

Reply posted for JulietheMom.

But you must do the diet AND the supplements for healing. The supplements you can drop off slowly when feeling better, but oregano, terramin clay, and colostrum protein powder are daily go to's for me. yeast killing formula: black seed oil. 500mg 3x daily oregano spirits: 1 dropper 2-3xday empty stom palo de 'arco spirits. same as oregano activated charcoal. 1tsp morn&night terramin clay. 1tsp morn&night tumeric. 3 pills 2-3xday probiotic: 1/day healing nutrients: colostrum: 1tbs 2-3xday organ capsules. 1serving morning collagen protein. 1x daily

FPO Lredon
Joined May 6, 2020

Tue, September 29, 2020 1:15 PM

Reply posted for JulietheMom.

This is pretty much all I eat, but I've been off medication and symptom free since March. Good foods: 1. Raw milk (go slow to get used to it if your having symptoms) avoid pasteurized 2. buttermilk in small doses 3. ages cheeses (3 months or more, the older the better!) 4. sourdough bread goods (homemade bc bought bread usually has all kinds of unneeded additives and oils) 5. Sourkrout (start small if having symptoms) or fermented veggies 6. mustard (no added sugar or additives) 7. avocado 8. banana 9. very boiled mashed potatoes or carrots in small quantities 10. eggs (some people have trouble with eggs while flaring but good for me) 11. HONEY (raw and try for local, Costco has great local) 12. butter 13. olive oil 14. coconut oil 15. kombutcha (brew your own to save money!) 16. salami (the more natural the better. Lactobacillus for predigested, east to digest protein) or fatty meats like bacon on occasion. 17. organ meats!!!! 18. 100percent cacao (add honey for chocolate craving but don't overdo it) 19. garlic 20. blueberries ( less than a cup a day) 22. Any herbs

FPO Lredon
Joined May 6, 2020

Tue, September 29, 2020 11:05 AM

Reply posted for Lredon.

People who take good care of their diet and exercise, seldom encounter diabetes. And, the unfortunate few who do, can attribute this to their genetic make up. It is not uncommon to see Type I diabetes passed on from one generation to the other.

FPO landmarkboston1
Joined Sep 22, 2020

Wed, September 16, 2020 12:29 AM

Reply posted for Lredon.

This is my first post.  My 25 yr old daughter was just diagnosed with ulcerative collitis.  I read your list of foods and was  little confused.  It seemed that some you do eat and others you avoid, but I got a little lost as to which was which.

Also, are you also on medicatio while doing this diet?

FPO JulietheMom
Joined Sep 15, 2020

Thu, August 20, 2020 11:36 AM

Reply posted for Lredon.

I have suffered from Crohn's diease for 14 years. I was also missed diagnosed with Ulceractive colritis. I have been in remission for the past 5 years by making simple changes to my diet. It's crazy what a few food swaps to help control my flare ups and symptoms. There's no specific diet it's all about knowing your food intolerances. I just shared a video on my YouTube on food swaps i made that helped me control my symptoms.  I go in depth about why i made each swap. When i was going though my flare i wish i had someone to make it easy for me to know what i should and shouldn't eat. I hope this helps someone. 

FPO Diamondmercedes
Joined Aug 20, 2020

Sat, July 18, 2020 10:13 AM

Reply posted for Lredon.

I too have stopped Remicade treatment. My dr did not believe me when I said the medicine was killing me.  I felt like a 90 year old woman from the joint/nerve pain.  After my eye started swelling during a treatment, dr put me back on oral meds.  All arthritic pain is gone!!! Up till last summer - I controlled my condition with diet alone (until I got sick with the flu).  I switched to high protein, high fat, no dairy, minimal amount of raw veggies - needs to be cooked.  I only eat red meat a few times a week and always keep portions small. Overeating is the worst thing you can do!!  What I've learned is doctors don't know what they are talking about when it comes to this condition.  Diet makes a huge difference and stress/anxiety can bring on symptoms; AND Remicade can cause debilitating joint pain!

Joined Jul 15, 2020

Thu, July 16, 2020 8:35 AM

Reply posted for Lredon.

I actually stopped at a health food store on my way home from work yesterday and picked up the clay.  Last night was my first dose, and within an hour I could feel pressure on my insides and slight pricks near certain organs (especially my kidneys).  I took more of it this morning along with oregano extract, my probiotic, and my multivitamin.  But I can already feel a difference in the bloating and pain!  Thank you so much for the recommendations!!!  

FPO niknik2384
Joined Jun 4, 2016

Wed, July 15, 2020 7:06 PM

Reply posted for Lredon.

Oh yeah, one thing that I do take everyday is vital proteins, collagen peptides. I dont usually eat a lot of meat, so this helps with protein. Its very good mixed in with cinnamon, honey, banana, and cacao.

FPO Lredon
Joined May 6, 2020

Wed, July 15, 2020 1:28 PM

Reply posted for niknik2384.

Hi Nikki! I would really recommend getting the clay. The brand is called Terramin. It's good bc it has a lot of iron and trace minerals to help your body. And ya I know it's a very slow and most times frustrating experience, but it gets better eventually. The diet is pretty much forever lol, the herbs and suppliments are just to help the healing process or whenever you start to feel symptoms again. Like for instance last week I had too much watermelon(now on my list of no foods) and a peach, which messed me up, so I'm on the oregano two times a day and clay again. I already feel better though bc I'm sticking to the diet, so I'll probably stop taking it again soon. I did have some set backs in my recovery though, mostly due to figuring out the diet, but once I started only eating fermented white breads it got better. I noticed when I used to buy "sourdough" from the store it would make me sick bc it isn't actually fermented, just added sour flavor or whatever. But yeah I wish you the best!!!

FPO Lredon
Joined May 6, 2020

Wed, July 15, 2020 11:07 AM

Reply posted for Lredon.

Hi Lredon!

I am at my wits end with doctors, and am going to start attempting to heal mysef using some of the remedies you mentioned.  I just bought most of the items you listed with the exception of the clay.  I was wondering if you would mind giving me an idea of how long you used these items for, and any other details you feel might be useful for me.  Thank you so much!!!


FPO niknik2384
Joined Jun 4, 2016

Thu, June 25, 2020 1:48 PM

Reply posted for Lredon.

Thanks! I actually have both at home, as well as the activated charcoal. Will try that for the time being, maybe rotating the oregano oil and pau d'arco. Thanks so much!

FPO hallo
Joined Jun 25, 2020

Thu, June 25, 2020 8:56 AM

Reply posted for hallo.

Hi! I'm still doing great. I never purchased his program, just watched all his free YouTube videos and went from there. Two oils that I am huge fans of for killing candida is oregano extract and Pao d arco. I like the herb pharm brand. Just take a dripper full 1-3x a day on an empty stomach. Then you need a little bit of charcoal and activated clay each day as well to soak up the dead yeast so you don't feel bad. I hope this helps!

FPO Lredon
Joined May 6, 2020

Thu, June 25, 2020 8:53 AM

Reply posted for hallo.

Hi! Im still doing great. I never purchased his program, just watched all his free YouTube videos and went from there. Two oils that I am huge fans of for killing candida is oregano extract and Pao d arco. I like the herb pharm brand. Just take a dripper full 1-3x a day on an empty stomach. Then you need a little bit of charcoal and activated clay each day as well to soak up the dead year so you dont feel bad. I hope this helps!

FPO Lredon
Joined May 6, 2020

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