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Nausea and Vomiting with Crohn's disease

Wed, August 04, 2021 11:35 AM

Hi all-
I have been diagnose with Crohns disease for around 20 yrs. The past 2 years I have struggled with nausea and vomiting only when and after I go poop. It doesn't seem to matter what I eat or don't eat and is every day. I have been on Remicade, Humara, Entivia and now Stelara every 4 wks. I also take imuron and prilosec. Take multiple vitamins. I had 11 inchs of my small bowel removed in July 2020. They thought this would help with my vomiting but it only helped for the 3 months I had the ileostomy. They reversed it in Oct. 2020. Right away I started with the vomiting and nausea again. I have been going to the University of Iowa and Mayo Clinic in Minnissota. Both places cant explain my symptoms. I have lost 30+ pds and now weigh 115 at 5'5''. I have tried diets and jounrnaling all with no help. Both hospitals want me to get the bag back on. I just had the surgery a yr ago and don't want to go through that again, let alone have a bag for the rest of my life. At this point I am willing to do about anything. Every day is a struggle to get out of bed, work and have a life. They said Canabis can cause the puking but I have not done that for months now since they said this could be the problem. Is anyone else having this issue? Any feedback that might help me?

FPO crystal73d
Joined Aug 4, 2021

Mon, April 08, 2024 9:55 PM

Reply posted for crystal73d.

Although I don't usually vomit after using the restroom, I am aware that this could indicate an obstruction or other issue. I've also heard of liver damage or issues, as well as anything that triggers the vagus nerve reaction, which can make anyone feel sick to their stomach. The nerve can be activated by conditions like constipation or "bearing down" forcefully; if the nerve is irritated, these symptoms may worsen basket random. The reason for my occasional chilly sweats when using the restroom is the stimulation of my vagus nerve. 

FPO drayskate
Joined Apr 8, 2024

Tue, April 02, 2024 11:39 PM

Reply posted for dazzlingdacruzz.

I've participated in a group purchase of before and it is amazing how much money you can save.

FPO dazzlingdacruzz
Joined Apr 2, 2024

Wed, November 30, 2022 1:29 PM

Reply posted for Subydoo55.


When I am in a flare, nausea and vomiting are my number one symptom, even worse for me than the D or pain, and my doctors cannot figure out why because I never have visible active disease in my stomach (checked w endoscope).   

While I haven't had the vomiting after using the toilet (mines usually all day and night), I do know that can be a symptom of obstruction or complication; I've also heard things like liver damage/problems as well as anything that activates the vagus nerve reaction which can cause nausea and vomiting in anyone. Things like constipation or "bearing down" hard can activate the nerve, and if its inflamed it can make those symptoms worse. Sometimes I will break out in a cold sweat on the toilet and its because of vagus nerve activation. Here's a link about the vagus nerve and its interesting what a vital role it plays in smooth digestion. Its so hard when nausea and vomiting are the symptoms of a TON of dfferent things, so its easy to blame the IBD (though they may be related!)

Hope yo've found some relief; nausea and vomiting are the worst.

FPO lnkane
Joined Apr 8, 2017

Fri, September 23, 2022 9:34 AM

Reply posted for crystal73d.

Hello, I was diagnosed with Crohn's 10 years ago.  I also have started having nausea when having a bowel movement.  I have had a few episodes where I become very bloated and nauseas and vomit at the same time as experience diarrhea.  I have been on Entyvio for about five years, a statin, blood pressure medicine and Celebrex for joint pain and Pepcid about a year.   An EGD in 2021 and again recently in 2022 disclose inflammation in stomach though both stomach and duodenum are "normal".   I have read quite a bit on what causes the inflammation.  I haven't been able to correlate certain foods or medications with the episodes.  Have you had any response from your concern or advice from your Doctors since your post that has helped?  

FPO Subydoo55
Joined Sep 23, 2022

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