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Sun, April 28, 2013 8:19 AM

All the Newbies out there, I belong to a group and there are a ton of us that have IBD. I have had it since 2011. I to tried Pentasa and Endocort and for me it didn't really do anything. But there is something that works. There is no cure for IBD but it will bring you back to a point where you can function sometimes without meds and you can lead a full life. There might be flares randomly but that all depends of you and what you put in your mouth. It is called the SCD Diet. It is a way of life. The Specific Carbohydrate Diet actually works because the woman that helped create it was Elaine Gotschall. Her daughter has UC. The basis of the diet is NO dairy, grains, soy, bread, pasta, only certain carbs etc. The name of the book is Breaking the Vicious Cycle and it explains in detail what to do and not do. There is a intro diet and I will be honest you will lose weight in the beginning. I lost 20 pounds. . Your body is going to CRAVE the sugar. Let's face it the SAD (Standard American Diet) is full of sugar. Everything we eat that is in package read the back of the labels, things you can't even pronounce. But now the things you CAN EAT.   Meats (Grass fed Beef) not grain fed, chicken, turkey, homemade yogurt (dairy) after the intro diet is done, fruits in moderation, veggies and some baked goods with Almond flour or coconut flour. Google SCD Lifestyle, and recipes and you will be on your way. Doctors and some  people do not believe in this diet and they will say it doesn't work. You do cook ALOT. I cook every Sunday for the week for lunches and extra snacks, otherwise I couldn't do it everyday. After you have healed some try Digestive Wellness, pre-made food. Hope this helps. Each person has a choice. Do they want to have the symptoms and flares of IBD while being on the drugs also or be inconvenienced and cook ALOT and eat healthy.

FPO mjppoll
Joined May 22, 2011

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