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Its been about 2 years and still no diagnosis help!!

Thu, September 08, 2016 5:47 PM

Hey everyone! So I'm 16 and was told about half of a year ago that I have crohn's but even after an ultrasound, mre, MANY blood tests, urine and stool analysis, and also an endoscopy, colonoscopy and the pill endoscopy it was still not a set diagnosis. This testing went on for about a year and I have just started my junior year and still don't have a diagnosis. I had a push enteroscopy that was supposed to lead to the definite diagnosis of crohn's but it was completely normal which left my doctor really confused on what to do next. Booked another endoscopy and colonoscopy which will hopefully bring me some helpful results after my last set, where they presented crohns but not specifically. As I go into this really hard and stressful year im nervous as to how I will be able to focus on gymnastics (I'm a competitive gymnast) and school which is already hard for me because of my processing disorder and probably ADD. I am still pushing myself into taking hard college level classes that I fear I won't be able to complete my work due to pain. I have been in pain everyday for about two years now and it's unbearable. I would do anything for a diagnosis and to finally get some answers. If anyone else is going through/went through something like this please comment or message me because I would love some support because I'm having a really hard time with all the testing and not knowing. Not many of my friends know about any of this, all they know is that i always leave school randomly in the middle of the day or just don't show up, because I haven't told them much because I just wanna keep it to myself but thought maybe getting some support from people that knew what I was going through could be helpful. I hope to hear from you guys thanks so much!!

FPO toby426
Joined Sep 8, 2016

Wed, October 26, 2016 6:43 AM

 Reply posted for toby426.

Hi. I have an 11 yr old daughter that is going through the same thing. She has been sick for 2 years and 2 sets of scopes have been done on her, a small intestine pill camera, cat scan with contrast, mre with contrast, labs etc. She had to be taken out of school towards the end of last year and home schooled because she was so sick and missed so much time. This school year she was doing so much better, loving school and now has missed 5 days in the last two weeks.

FPO thekelleyjb
Joined Oct 25, 2016

Sat, September 17, 2016 12:18 AM

 Reply posted for toby426.

When I was reading this I was picturing myself exactly. I went though the same thing. It would be helpful if you knew if anyone in your family at all has crohns because if gets your doctors thinking. My aunts had crohns and colitis so that helped my diagnosis. It is a long process to getting diagnosed especially because you are younger than 18. Pediatricians will not push anything too invasive including medications because you are still developing. Once you hit that 18 years of age mark you need to find yourself an adult GI to help you out. The best advice I can give you is AVOID any food that will hurt your stomach or cause flare ups if you are having them. No matter how good the food is youll save yourself from the pain. I am so sorry you are feeling this pain. I have been diagnosed.  for 3 years and am still learning everyday from it. You need to remember that it can always be worse but that doesnt mean avoid the issues you are having. Be selfish when it comes to GI issues because they can be serious. Describe any symptoms you have no matter how embarrassing, I embrace my symptoms because I know I cant help it. Make sure you tell your teacher something as well and dont quit gymnastics if you love it. But if it is hurting you then quit because your health and this diagnosis is much more important. Also, dont worry about high school when it comes to your health. Health is what is important and you get a chance to restart in college. if you need anything or any advice then reply.

FPO crohns1313
Joined Sep 17, 2016

Sat, September 17, 2016 12:16 AM

 Reply posted for toby426.

When I was reading this I was picturing myself exactly. I went though the same thing. It would be helpful if you knew if anyone in your family at all has crohns because if gets your doctors thinking. My aunts had crohns and colitis so that helped my diagnosis. It is a long process to getting diagnosed especially because you are younger than 18. Pediatricians will not push anything too invasive including medications because you are still developing. Once you hit that 18 years of age mark you need to find yourself an adult GI to help you out. The best advice I can give you is AVOID any food that will hurt your stomach or cause flare ups if you are having them. No matter how good the food is youll save yourself from the pain. I am so sorry you are feeling this pain. I have been diagnosed.  for 3 years and am still learning everyday from it. You need to remember that it can always be worse but that doesnt mean avoid the issues you are having. Be selfish when it comes to GI issues because they can be serious. Describe any symptoms you have no matter how embarrassing, I embrace my symptoms because I know I cant help it. Make sure you tell your teacher something as well and dont quit gymnastics if you love it. But if it is hurting you then quit because your health and this diagnosis is much more important. Also, dont worry about high school when it comes to your health. Health is what is important and you get a chance to restart in college. if you need anything or any advice then reply.

FPO crohns1313
Joined Sep 17, 2016

Mon, September 12, 2016 4:48 PM

 Reply posted for toby426.

Hi!! I'm Emily & I'm 17. I was just diagnosed with Crohn's about a week and a half ago. I just went into my junior year, too! I've been missing school also. I would love to talk sometime! Here's how you can contact me:

Instagram: strawberies56
(i'm private so just message me & I'll answer. I don't accept follow requests from people I don't know & I want to be sure to accept you if you have one, so just be sure to message me first! )

twitter: justtypicabl (message me/follow me on there!)

If you don't have either of these let me know how I can contact you!

FPO emilypie2320
Joined Sep 4, 2016

Fri, September 09, 2016 7:46 AM

 Reply posted for toby426.

I was diagnosed at 18yrs of age. It is very hard to be a young adult and be in pain all day everyday and also not be able to eat and do things same as your peers. it took a while for me to be properly diagnosed as well. after being diagnosed with crohn's it was a roller coaster to find treatment . what i do suggest is start researching things that may work for you. keep a food journal. stress is important too try to keep your stres level down.. see if you can find exercise to relive stress. And if you feel your doctor is not giving you answers change him/her. what i found is that doctors guess alot based on what your telling them. so alot of time your telling them what you think maybe best and they are their to guide and give you their opinions. I had to take time time from school. have you asked about maybe taking work home when needed?

FPO acc126
Joined Sep 9, 2016

Fri, September 09, 2016 7:45 AM

 Reply posted for toby426.

I was diagnosed at 18yrs of age. It is very hard to be a young adult and be in pain all day everyday and also not be able to eat and do things same as your peers. it took a while for me to be properly diagnosed as well. after being diagnosed with crohn's it was a roller coaster to find treatment . what i do suggest is start researching things that may work for you. keep a food journal. stress is important too try to keep your stres level down.. see if you can find exercise to relive stress. And if you feel your doctor is not giving you answers change him/her. what i found is that doctors guess alot based on what your telling them. so alot of time your telling them what you think maybe best and they are their to guide and give you their opinions. I had to take time time from school. have you asked about maybe taking work home when needed?

FPO acc126
Joined Sep 9, 2016

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