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Breaking point

Fri, December 29, 2017 1:29 PM

So I'm a 27 year old female and have struggled with constipation & diarrhea ever since I could remember. It got a little worse as I got older especially when I went through chemo treatment. While going through chemo treatment I could become so constipated that the only way to go was to take laxatives, but then I would I suffer from diarrhea. It was like all or nothing. After treatment I went on and played basketball, ran a marathon and while doing that I tried eating healthier. More veggies, less bread, no red meat only chicken. I would still be some what constipated & sometimes have diarrhea. So after my first born I decided I would go vegan. Cut out all dairy, meat, anything with animals gone! I started seeing some relief. I was going to the restroom 2 times a day & it was hard or too soft. Then about 5 months ago it started again but this time it's the worst that it's ever been. Sever constipation with a sudden urge to use the restroom, but with little to eliminate. Then after I would have sever diarrhea. This caused sever hemmoroids and cramping. There is NEVER a time when I ue the restroom that it doesn't hurt or bleed. I end up soaking in a hot bath for over an hour each time I use the restroom. Now I get cold sores in my mouth & I'll wake up with a red eye sometimes. Also now every morning (if I'm not constipated) and I have emergency need to use the restroom. It's not diarrhea but it feels like if I don't use it right at that moment that I'll go in my pants. And when it comes out it's completely solid.. and it always feels like I'm pooping razor blades :( I don't have health insurance and I don't know what to do. Can someone help me please 

FPO Lunatuna44
Joined Dec 29, 2017

Fri, January 12, 2018 2:12 PM

Reply posted for Lunatuna44.

Hi Lunatuna44
We’re sorry to read about the challenges you are having with your health.
It is important for you to see a doctor to get a correct diagnosis and treatment.
Obtaining health insurance or financial assistance to cover healthcare costs can be challenging for those who need it most.   However, there have been a lot of recent changes in access to health insurance in hopes of trying to help individuals and families gain access to affordable healthcare.   For more information on what plans are available in your state and what you/your family may be eligible for, please utilize the following websites:
For more information on government and specific state programs, you may want to go to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) website:  
Free or Low-Cost Healthcare
Additionally, you can get free or low cost medical treatment at community health centers, which are funded mostly by the federal government.  You can find the centers in your area at these two links: or
Financial Assistance for Prescription Drugs/Co-Pays
In some cases, pharmaceutical companies offer patient assistance programs which provide assistance to those who need financial support in paying for their medication. To find information on the various patient assistance programs providing assistance for specific medication, the links are:   or
If you have further questions, please email or call our toll-free number at 1.888.MY.GUT.PAIN (1.888.694.8872), Monday through Friday 9am-5pm EST to speak with an information specialist.

FPO administrator
Joined Oct 12, 2017

Wed, January 10, 2018 5:11 PM

Reply posted for Lunatuna44.

Hello, I'm sorry to hear about what is happening to you. I would watch this video  Maybe try a bone broth cleanse and eat some of the foods he mentions. He has a lot of great tips. I know everything is easier said than done, but I wish you the best!
      Good luck,

FPO sophietripp
Joined Jan 10, 2018

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