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Concerned / Early Symptoms?

Thu, March 29, 2018 8:37 AM

Reply posted for Winterage.

Hello Winterage,

I was diagnosed w/ Microscopic Colitis more than 3 years ago. Many of the symptoms you have mentioned are what I was experiencing for up to a year before scheduling a Colonoscopy. And lucky for me my GI doc knew to take a biopsy of my colon lining to pinpoint what I was suffering from. After reading your post I felt compelled to respond. All of which you touched on, describes perfectly what a "bad day" is for me. The frequency of times is typically 4-6 for me and it was never more than just a poo puree. I couldn't understand why food, any food was making me ill. The cramping and nausea were also symptoms for me. The feeling tired and exhausted is a direct result of your body not being able to absorb the nutrients from your food, before it's on it's way out. Ensure and protein shakes could help with the fatigue. Blood in your stools could be the beginnings of hemorrhoids. Let's face face it that's a high traffic area as of late. I am currently on a script Welchol it has provided me with some relief for about a year. I'm by no means symptom free, and bad days still happen but I am definitely managing my symptoms.

Joined Mar 29, 2018

Fri, March 24, 2023 9:37 AM

Reply posted for EEW.

He was a major force in the American folk music revival of the 1950s and 1960s and a leader in the American folk scene. Seeger was known for his use of the acoustic guitar, often playing in a style known as 'folk strumming', which involved strumming the strings with downstrokes while singing. Seeger's music was characterized by its optimism, political activism, and social consciousness.

FPO jemijonson12
Joined Sep 14, 2022

Thu, April 12, 2018 8:43 PM

Reply posted for Winterage.

Something I wanted to suggest was a CT scan with contrast. That is how they diagnosed me with Crohn's. I hope you've been able to get some answers since your last post. MRIs might also be helpful. It is so terrifying to not know what exactly is going on. Calmoseptine ointment is also very soothing for a sore bottom with the diarrhea.

FPO swagenman
Joined Apr 12, 2018

Sun, April 01, 2018 7:09 PM

Reply posted for Winterage.

Winterage your symptoms  sounds very much like my ulcerative colitis, except I never had the red eye thing. you need to get a gastroenterologist to deal with this.  I had perpetual” diarrhea, and what I didn’t realize was I was also passing a lot of blood, which led to severe anemia, which led to constant fatigue.  I had to have blood transfusions, 23 pints in all.  You might want to check on that. Good luck.  It’s a really crummy disease.  It does sometimes go into remission.  

FPO charbs
Joined Oct 31, 2016

Sun, April 01, 2018 4:27 PM

Reply posted for Winterage.

I do think a colonoscopy might give you the answers you're after. Without the procedure, I would still be in the dark about my diagnosis. Good luck!

Joined Mar 29, 2018

Sun, April 01, 2018 4:12 PM

Reply posted for EEW.


Thank you so much for your reply

I really appreciate the time that you took to explain this to me

So it seems like having crohns disease involves vomiting and bloody diarrhea or at least thats what i see, so i guess my symptoms are not really that.

So would you recommend me to do a colonoscopy?

FPO Winterage
Joined Mar 23, 2018

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