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Wed, August 01, 2018 12:03 AM

So I’ve noticed no one really mentioning mucous along with the blood, pain and diarrhea associated with UC. Could something else be going on with me? When I feel the urge to make a bowel movement it’s usually just mucous and gas. I’ve recently been diagnosed with UC during my first pregnancy and it’s been horrible especially with breastfeeding I have to be extra careful with medications. I’ve only tried canasa because they thought I had acute colitis but after my colonoscopy they told me it’s UC. Any suggestions :(

Joined Jul 31, 2018

Sat, December 08, 2018 11:17 PM

Reply posted for NCarp.

Mucous is definately part of it, and I've had a lot of that. Was starting to see blood (after a 3 day binge of raw broccoli, cauliflour and carrots with ranch dip (needless to say, that triggered the flare, and we are no longer friends anymore, sadly). I underwent my first colonoscopy in early October and was diagnosed with distal UC (mostly in the bottom colon and rectum area hence the bleeding). I've been on a rectal foam called Uceris (which is a varient of budesonide, similar to the inhailed version Pulmicort). For about a month now. It's improving but comes and goes, and a lot of fatigue, gas, bloating, panic attacks (I also went to the ER once for constipation and once for dehydration about a month prior to diagnosis) My gastro says generally foods don't affect it overly (and certainly don't cause it) but that, if I'm finding certain ones to be way worse, to take care with them, and/or not eat them (cabbage is a nono, cauliflour, broccoli). Salads upset me mildly if they're small, more if they're not. Smaller meals are something I'm learning to do. I need to lose weight, but didn't want to do it this way *chuckles* I'm also diabetic, and a lot of the food lists for both are mutually exclusive of one another (i.e. diabetes likes fiber, brown rice, beans, etc.) and UC says "white bread, potatoes, easier fruits, more refined stuff). 


Part of it is realizing you're not going crazy, it's not all in your head, and dealing with the way it makes you feel. I'm 37 and feel 50+ most days, but then other days I feel in my 20s again. Not sure if I'll end up on an oral down the line or not. Have been using the Uceris 2 times a day, he tried dropping me down to once a day around thanksgiving..that slowly got worse until it really got worse, so I'm back up to twice a day for the next month, then I check in with him again.


The most disconcerting/unnerving thing is the blood on the toilet paper. Also..that mucus is some seriously stinky stuff. I notice I get more mucus with the uceris foam, but I much prefer that to blood.

FPO Endymion
Joined Dec 8, 2018

Sat, November 10, 2018 10:27 PM

Reply posted for NCarp.

I was diagnosed with UC 5 years ago. And yes, mucus is a big part of UC along with blood, cramps, etc. If you haven't already see a GI. Don't waste your time or money, if you do not feel comfortable with him/her. The GI, to properly diagnose you must proform a colonoscopy to determine whether or not you have UC. Once confirmed then a drug regiment will be prescribed. There is no need to suffer for any real length of time. Although UC cannot be cured - yet - it can be brought under control.

FPO doyouremember
Joined Nov 10, 2018

Tue, September 18, 2018 11:27 PM

Reply posted for dsethhunter.

Hi I'm new here I was diagnosed with UC after going tru episodes of being sick. It all came about when I chose to move last March to Florida thinking I'd had a better life and find a job get my own nice place. Unfortunately none of that happen. My mom lives in fl. My brother along with his wife and my nephew in the Port Charlotte area. I was struggling out in jersey where I'm living now, so I decided to leave my kids who are Older and grandkids and my guy and make the move. First two weeks were very hard. I had trouble finding work and as a nursing assistant u would think it's so simple. Well I did land a few cases after about ten agencies I went tru looking for more money. Fl is big on health aids and nursing assistants but the money is horrible and when I was out there it was snowbird season so it was slow season. Damn when it slow its slow. My hours working with agencies dropped from almost 35 hours a week to 20 a week. Thank god for my family I had a roof over my head. I became very depressed. I had hardly any money and missed my kids and babies and friends so much. I was lonely as hell. Unfortunately I drove to FL with my car I leased. Was almost paid for but again no money coming in meant my payments were not getting paid. Well one morning my nightmare came true and my car was gone. Towed impounded. I was devasted. Now I have no car, no money, no friends no kids. I literally hit rock bottom and broke down. It's now June or July. I was working two jobs and weekends as much as I can but again not enough hours or moneyfor what I do.. Ten bucks an hour is not enough to pay for anything. My life was upside down. I notice I was getting sick everytime I ate food. Dying on the toilet. Pains in my stomach. Gas. Blood. No insurance. Went to clinic and that was a joke. U don't get a Dr. The Dr calls u when u are on a list. Unfortunately I ended up one night in er. They did test and said I had diverticulitis. Hmm. Tried to get app again with a gastrointestinal Dr but was still on a list to get called. Ok so I dealt with it for a while and my depression was getting worse. The end of August I told my family I can't live here no more I'm going home.!!! I posted a job on fb for a live in job since I had no place of my own to go home too. I got the job. Saved up every penny I had paid for my train ticket and left labor day weekend last year. Oh I did get a used car while I was living in fl. My brother helped me with that. Anyway I said my goodbye and off I went. 17 hour on a train not one issue with my stomach. Weird. I was cured. Got to NJ labor day last year. Stayed with my friend for a few days and my kids visiting everyone. Boy was I happy to be home. Got a good paying job as a live in. Work Monday dsy tru Friday only. Not easy I must say but it's a job and good money. Got insurance also. Finally went to Dr told him what happen to me and said I'm fine no stomach issues nothing. Unbelievable I was cured. So he said it's stress that bought it on. Ok I agree yes it was. Well now it's 2018 April. Stomach issues again bad. Pains on left side sick weak blood. Went to er. Dr admitted me April 26. My white count was high. Still no test to see what I had. They knew I had issues with stomach but nothing was a definite. CT showed inflamed intestines. Was put on meds and iv for three days and gastro Dr told me to make app when I was released. Well I didn't do that cause the meds did wonders.. Now its August and I ran out of those meds and being I never had the gastro Dr as my Dr and Only as an er Dr I had to be seen before I can get new meds.. Symptoms started to come back!!! Now I'm full blown stomach pain, runs, gas, muscos and blood.. .. Ugg Dr said I need a colonoscopy. Well Friday last week I had it and of course I'm inflamed. Prepping was the worst I ever had. Test was good. Told me I have UC. Ugggg. Still have symptoms. On meds and 40 mg of predazone.. I decided to read up more about this horribl

FPO Lobosco63
Joined Sep 18, 2018

Mon, September 10, 2018 1:11 PM

Reply posted for NCarp.

Hi !

I have had UC for about 10 years now and I can tell you my symptoms will vary. Sometimes, the only time I noticed bloody stool is when I was first diagnosed (it's what brought me to the doctor). I just recently had a flare this past week and I would feel the urge to use the restroom and sometimes it would be gas, sometimes mucous, sometimes regular stool and sometimes diarrhea. It really just depends on what part of your colon is affected. I was on Canasa when I was first diagnosed, because it was my lower colon and rectum that was affected. This last flare, the CT showed extensive inflammation throughout my whole colon. I used Pentasa last flare and it seemed to work. Just be honest with your doctor about your symptoms and with his help you can find out the best treatment for you !

FPO dsethhunter
Joined Sep 10, 2018

Thu, August 02, 2018 2:49 AM

Reply posted for NCarp.

I have been there. A lot actually. What you are describing is often par for the course. As far as suggestions go, Canasa can help so I say don't quit on that yet, but you may need more to supplement. When I was diagnosed with UC originally, Canasa and Asacol or Lialda worked well together to keep me in remission. Sometimes a round of prednisone is necessary to break the autoimmune cycle to get to remission. And then there are the biologics that also are often effective like Remicade. My best advice would be to just keep bothering your doctors about your symptoms until you can find a strategy that gets you out of the woods.

FPO kumputer
Joined Jul 19, 2013

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