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Need Advice-New To This

Sun, August 19, 2018 6:21 PM

Hi guys, I’m a 23.5 year old woman. Before June of 2017 I was perfectly healthy and active. In June of 2017 I fell ill suddenly. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain. Went to Doc1, he said you just have an infection, liquids only it will clear up. Three weeks later saw the same Doc1 and he said okay infections not gone here are meds to help. It didnt help. Two weeks later go back to see Doc2, he says its IBS. Prescribes 2 meds for me. They didnt work. Go back a month later to see Doc1 again and he gives me two different meds. They didnt work. Go back a month later to see Doc2 and he refers me to a GI. I go in for a endoscopy and colonoscopy and my GI says it came out clean “youre perfectly fine”. Just saw another doctor, Doc3 and he didnt even listen to my symptoms as soon as i said abdominal pain and multiple bowel movements he said oh its IBS. Fast forward to now August 2018, I have tried endless amounts of diets and food experiments and nothing has worked. I have been told bu multiple people that it sounds like I have crohns. Symptoms to date are: abdominal pain and cramps(but they arent 24/7 they come for a period of time like a week or couple days then go away for a period of time), nausea almost everyday, vomiting occasionally but not often, hit or miss with bowel movement consistency but more often it is hard dark and hurts when going, usually multiple bowel movements a day, have not lost weight but usually its because I take gravol and eat or just eat through the nausea and pain. Looking for some input or advice on this here. I have heard stories from friends and family members of mine that they didnt know they had crohns at first and it took more than 2 years for them to get a diagnosis...not sure what to do here. Any sort of advice will help!

Joined Aug 19, 2018

Wed, September 05, 2018 7:00 PM

Reply posted for MLC03.

Did any of the doctors do an MR-Enterography? It's an MRI, but it's concentrated to the GI tract (mostly the small intestine). When I was being diagnosed (this is going back 19 years), I had a small bowel series. This is pretty much the same thing. There's also CT Scans w/contrast. If your doctor(s) are only doing endoscopies, then they're not doing their job.

Other than the obvious tests (blood work and endoscopy), the MR-E and CT Scan w/IV contrast are very helpful.

FPO joshesteinberg
Joined Jun 15, 2018

Wed, August 22, 2018 2:17 PM

Reply posted for MLC03.

Ask to get tested for SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth).  I had some of the same symptons without the vomiting.  And tested positive.  I also was recently diagnosed with Chron's colitus.  

FPO sidorick
Joined Aug 22, 2018

Tue, August 21, 2018 11:10 PM

Reply posted for charbs.

The best thing I have found is to keep a log every day. Write down everything you put into your mouth liquid or solid. Write down if anything specifically stresses you that day more than other days. Also write down how you feel that day. Do you feel bloated? Are you crampy? Rate your pain 1 through 10. Write down how many times you go to the bathroom. After a while you may begin to see a pattern. Crohn's disease is not caused by what you eat but what you eat can make a big difference in how you feel. For me I have to avoid spicy foods and fiber. I have been diagnosed with crohn's since 1981. You have a long and healthy life ahead of you. That log will also help when you go to the doctor next.

FPO Bgrammasueb
Joined Aug 21, 2018

Mon, August 20, 2018 8:26 AM

Reply posted for MLC03.

There is a test that can tell you if it’s crohns.  Company called Prometheus in California does it.  It’s very expensive if you don’t have insurance

FPO charbs
Joined Oct 31, 2016

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