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Recent diagnosis

Sun, September 16, 2018 9:13 AM

 I have been battling with a bloated stomach and changes in bowels for the last couple months.  While at work on Friday, my lower back started to hurt and I felt like I needed to have a bowel movement. When I went to the restroom I had bloody stool and honestly freaked out. A quick trip to the doctor sent me to the hospital for a CT scan. They found what was described to me as mild colitis.  she suggested a liquid diet and a bland diet for the next week. She also wants to do a colonoscopy to follow up because of family history. No medication was prescribed.  The diarrhea has slowed down but the  back pain is still there.  I also am still noticing a tinge of blood in the stool. My question is how long does the blood last in the stool?  How long does a flare last?  I have devoured many websites for as much information over this weekend.  It looks like bloody stools are a symptom, but some websites indicate cause for concern. Any  helpful suggestions or ideas to try to ease discomfort? 

FPO Kirstenp
Joined Sep 16, 2018

Sun, October 07, 2018 5:30 PM

Reply posted for Kirstenp.

I had UC and perpetual diarrhea.  I didn’t notice the blood loss until I was diagnosed,as,severely anemic.  They gave me blood transfusions, and I need three pints every month.  Ended up having 23 in all.

FPO charbs
Joined Oct 31, 2016

Sun, October 07, 2018 1:14 PM

Reply posted for kara8789.

I am in the same boat here. I've been having mild to moderate symptoms for the past few months - blood in stool, sometimes intense cramps (luckily that don't last too long) followed by urgent need to poop. Lower back pain, and sometimes mucus in stool. 

I went to a GI and got a colonoscopy that showed inflamation but no cell changes, so they put me in the "indeterminate colitis" diagnosis. I am 3 weeks into a 4 week round of steroid enemas, take priboitics, dyclocimine at night, and fiber. The blood and cramping have pretty much stopped, but now my poop is always green, and there are bots of undigested food always in it. And a lot of mucus. 
I don't know what to do next. Is the steriod treatment working? It seems to be helping but not completely? Anyone else have this issue? Also, I am so confused about an indetermiante colitis diagnosis. Not sure if I should find another Dr.? 
I dont really have anyone I know that has these issues to talk to, so that you to everyone in advance for listening and giving advice. I'm just so confused and want to feel better/avoid surgery in the future!

FPO carrieanne94
Joined Oct 7, 2018

Thu, September 27, 2018 9:34 PM

Reply posted for Kirstenp.

I am newly diagnosed as well. It seems like everyone is different. My "flare ups" last a few weeks. But my symptoms are extremely mild- so mild that I barely notice. I find that mine are mostly related to stress, when my stress level goes down, my "flare ups" resolve themselves. 

The first doctor I went to said something similar...He diagnosed me with Indeterminate Colitis. I was unhappy with these answers and got a second opinion at Rush. My doctor there diagnosed me with Crohns, had a plan, and had answers to all of my questions. This made a huge difference!  If you feel like you aren't getting answers or unsure about what is going on with your body, I would try a new doctor. 

It's all scary! There are so many unknowns, especially because every person seems to have their own journey. Just make sure you have the right support systems in place. 

FPO kara8789
Joined Sep 27, 2018

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