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Recently Diagnosed - Advice on eating

Mon, November 05, 2018 7:19 AM

Hi,  I have recently been diagnosed - however they don't know if it is Crohn's or UC yet - they have told me they never know this.  I had the colonoscopy, and they have put me on Pentasa 500mg 4 tablets in morning and 4 in evening, they have also just put me on Cortiment as my symptoms are really bad - I am on these for 60 days, and if there is no improvement within 2/3 weeks then they are putting my on stronger steroids.

I haven't seen the specialist yet as the waiting time is so long, so I am having telephone consultants and doing sample tests etc.  The telephone consultants are working, and they are in contact with me each week.

One thing I am really struggling with is bloating and not wanting to eat.  As soon as I eat it goes straight through me with so much pain, and I look as if I am eight months pregnant.  Does anyone have this problem and advice?

This is all completely new to me.

Thank you.

FPO Capital
Joined Nov 21, 2018

Fri, November 09, 2018 2:18 PM

Reply posted for doordie.

You may not have much use for doctors, but your situation cries out for a gastroenterologist specializing in Crohn’s and Colitis.  Apparently you did get a doctor to do a colonoscopy.  If it didn’t work out for you you need to get your situation under control and try it again.  As for pure cane cola sending you off to the bathroom, that doesn’t sound too awful.  You just need to get used to it or give up the soda.  It doesn’t sound like you’re all that serious about treating your disease.  It as long as you can tolerate your situation that’s fine.

FPO charbs
Joined Oct 31, 2016

Fri, November 09, 2018 10:18 AM

Reply posted for ahunter8850.

Oh that's brilliant thank you.   I have been looking online today for a food diary and getting really confused by them. 

I definately need this.  Yesterday I had a good day - no bloating, no pain and I was actually hungry, I believed that my tablets had finally kicked in, but unfortunately I was wrong - today I am back to normal.  I had a homemade vegetable curry with rice last night, so maybe that was what it was.

Thank you

FPO Capital
Joined Nov 21, 2018

Thu, November 08, 2018 8:07 AM

Reply posted for Tia.

Hi recently diagnosed with ultrative collitus . Only been on meds few months . I'm coming to the conclusion that's it's milk /cheese that seems to upset my bowls more than anything else . I've tried telling docs this but they just want me to take meds and not change diet . But I pretty sure it doesn't help with the condition . I know everyone is differnt but that's my take on it anyway . And spicy food and takeaways ect coffee today drinks , alcohol unfortunately but i and trying to cut all possible dairy products out to see how it goes worth a try . :)

FPO mixy11
Joined Nov 5, 2018

Wed, November 07, 2018 6:41 PM

Reply posted for Tia.

I have had these symptons for over a year.  I never had much use for a doctor, I tried self medicating with various powerfull antibiotics as i thought I had a rare bug.  For the first year I was able to maintain my weight and energy.  When i started looking like Richard Simmons i decided to have a colonscopy.  They had to abort due to severe irratation.  They prescribed predisone, works very good, however, i am still not normal.  I have found simple foods with little or no spices work best.  Unfortunately, real cane soda is immediately followed by several bathroom trips.  I love pure cane soda!

FPO doordie
Joined Nov 7, 2018

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