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Anyone out there?

Tue, December 11, 2018 2:29 PM

Hello. I was recently diagnosed with CD. However, there is apparently a sub category of the disease called Crohn's colitis. This is what I've been diagnosed with. It seems that I suffer from a combination. It all started about a year ago. I had noticed that I had been having a bad case of hemorrhoids and gas all the time. The gas would smell horrible. My family was disgusted to say the least, lol. Anyway, I always knew something was wrong. I was actually thinking IBS. Fastforward to the beggining of this year when I woke up in excrutiating pain in my stomach. I ended up going to the emergency room and having emergency surgery. I had an adhesive band leading from my uterus to my intestines (this is probably TMI seeing as how my GI doc says that it wasn't a result of my current situation). Anyway, I had my three year colonoscopy exam and the doctor found colitis. This was at the end of July. They did a biopsy and two weeks later I was told I had IBD. I said "do you mean IBS? The nurse said no and we scheduled an appointment with my GI. It was Crohn's with the subcategory of Crohn's Colitis. I experience the majority of the symptoms most of you have. Whether you have CD or UC. The one thing I haven't read is anyone who has the diagnosis that I have. It's kind of hard trying to figure out what to eliminate and what I can eat. My family doesn't fully understand yet because I don't. I'm getting there though. I'm glad I connected with this community. It helps some. I'm relying a lot on God. He is my physician. Is there anyone else out there?

FPO ladyross
Joined Dec 5, 2018

Tue, December 11, 2018 6:08 PM

Reply posted for ladyross.

I haven’t exactly had the problems you’ve had, but there are similarities.  Originally diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, I passed so much blood I eventually had to have 23 pints transfused.  I had the colectomy with j pouch surgery.  Then I had adhesions on my rebuilt colon and had to have surgery. I had recurring pouchitis which eventually turned into Crohn’s disease. Just had an Entyvio infusion today, which I don’t think does any good. The crohns sucks, but the colitis was much worse.  Good luck to you, it’s certainly no fun to deal with.

FPO charbs
Joined Oct 31, 2016

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