My 14-year-old son was recently diagnosed with UC. He is a super-picky eater - doesn't like meat, eggs or cooked veggies. I am extremely worried about how to get enough protein in his body. He is a cross-country runner, so very slim, and in the last 2 weeks (prior to diagnosis), lost 8-10 lbs. I appreciate any suggestions you may have for getting picky, UC teens to expand their palettes. Thanks much!
Reply posted for theraven8413.
I'm sorry to hear about your son's recent diagnosis. It can be challenging to find the right foods for picky eaters, especially with dietary restrictions. Have you considered introducing protein-rich plant-based foods such as tofu, quinoa, and lentils time card calculator ? These options might be more appealing to your son and can help ensure he's getting enough protein for his active lifestyle
Reply posted for haughtyslominsk.
It's critical that you completely understand what this disease is and how it affects the body. Better to ask you son's doctor about what is the alternative way to sustain the needs of his body.
Reply posted for fetchingfetchin.
I am also a picky-eater when I had this, but to tell you guys, we don't like it! This kind of condition is really hard to deal with. Click here
Reply posted for fetchingfetchin.
Good post, keep on sharing and keep on inspiring. Click here
Reply posted for inaneimplosive1.
I’d love to see you do more of this. View here
Reply posted for Jake Xyrus.
Elimination diets, where patients remove certain foods from their diet to see if their symptoms abate, are a good way to identify common food triggers. Read more
Reply posted for Jake Xyrus.
Hoping that your daughter is doing well now! If she is not okay, please see the doctor for the proper treatment. drywall contractor
Reply posted for kelliwithchrons.
Any other reaction to this?
Reply posted for theraven8413.
Reply posted for theraven8413.
I feel for you. My son is 13 and diagnosed with crohns only a few weeks ago. He too isn't a great eater as he has SED/ARFID (selective eating disorder/Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder) or whatever it's referred to now. He only eats chicken, popcorn shrimp, pizza, spaghetti and grilled cheese as main courses. No fruits, no veggies. Since starting on prednisone 3 weeks ago, he's gained 10lbs but he can't stay on that forever. He's also taking vitamins and I make him shakes using carnation instant breakfast powder. I second the suggestion of finding something he likes that doesn't bother him and letting him eat as much of it as he can.
Reply posted for theraven8413.
You might go to a health food store and look into those protein shakes bodybuilders drink when they want to gain weight. I’d run it by your doctor first.
Reply posted for theraven8413.
I was diagnosed with Chron's at 16 and am now 18. I have always been a picky eater and I think I always will be. My advice is to find food, even if it is just one or two things, that will satisfy with your son's stomach and let him eat as much of it as he will. As for all the vitamins and nutrients, stock him up on multivitamins and calcium and anything else he is deficient in. Your doctor can do a blood test to see his vitamin levels and he can take anything he is low in by taking pills to get higher levels.
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