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UC &/or Crohn's since I was 3.

Fri, March 15, 2019 12:59 PM


It was suggested I do this...I never talk about my disease unless it is asked.

My name is Jake, and I am new to this form of support. A breif history: I am 32, and have had UC since I was 3. I went through the ups and down like most. I can remember spending every summer in the hospital, once for over a month. I learned how to manange my symptoms, and  eventually found a state of amazing health associated to my UC during my early 20's. This state was primarly self managed, and used little medicine (asachol). I moved out from my family's home at 22, and fell in love with my now wife. I now realize my parents lack of love for one another, and at times hate really made my UC worse. They are still married, and I pretty much gave up trying to fix or help their relationship.

I have hid/never tried to let this disease burden anyone.

When I was feeling good, I ate ice cream like a child, and never had symptoms. I had normal stools, little pain, I ate pizza, and other things I never could have in the past. I had energy, and I worked out, put on some weight, and felt good about myself.  It was strange, but I liked it. I did have terrible on/off leg/knee pain from 16-30 . During this time my mind was clear of stress, and I could manage any stress very easy. I graduated college after dropping out, and live really felt great.

Fast forward to 28 my self managnment began to fail me, and I visited a new specialist last year. I was not getting better through my usual techniques, and prednisone was driving my mind nuts. I did not want to beleive I was as sick as I was. I had a Colonoscopy (18 years overdue), and then learned I had sever Crohn's. She said I probably always had Crohn's.

I now still take mesalamine, and new to remicade. Remicade seems to work good when it does. We are just trying to determine the best dosage, and time intervals. I also need to manage my stress better. I plan to seek mental health assitance, and as an adult see that this could have been a significant benefit when I was younger.

Me speaking to this form is also part of my additional help I can take advantage of, and also maybe help others as living with these dieases is the only life I ever can remember.

I am an open book, and enjoy helping people. Thanks for taking the time in reading this.

FPO Jar3737
Joined Oct 12, 2018

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