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Social quality of life

Mon, March 25, 2019 6:10 AM

Hi all. 
Just diagnosed wth mild Crohn's but have had UC for many years. I have read up on the disease but not finding much in the way of optimistic literature. I am depressed about activities  that I used to do but am afraid to do now because of the fear of running to the bathroom so many times. I am afraid of getting sick at restaurants and ruining everyone else's good time. I am suppose to go to Germany in July but am afraid of getting sick there.

I have a great group of friends who have been supportive of me. The running joke is I am up for anything as long as there is a bathroom, but that doesn't help in a car trip. 

Oh....and will I never have Chinese food again?

Thank you for listening. I am sorry the post is so long.

Rachel (new member)

FPO Rachelcaila
Joined Mar 25, 2019

Fri, March 29, 2019 5:00 PM

Reply posted for Rachelcaila .

Hey! I have Crohn's and just went on my first overseas trip since being diagnosed. I took my 'emergency kit' of prednisone, antibiotics, calmoseptine, etc. and staked out bathrooms ahead of time. We did a lot of driving around rural England and Scotland, but I always found a bathroom. My mom also has Crohn's, and we were both fine on the 2 week trip. Definitely bring a change of undies/pants in your bag/car just in case. I found that all the restaurants in towns would have a restroom for patrons, just buy a drink or something. Also, ask the locals, they can point you in the right direction for bathrooms. And most restaurants and coffee shops have free wifi, so you can always message your GI if you're having any issues. 
Several years ago, in the few months before my diagnosis, I even participated in a 3 month study abroad during college. We were all over Greece, Turkey, Israel, Spain, on planes, busses, you name it. Miraculously I never had an accident. I just went to the bathroom EVERYWHERE we found one lol
Good Luck!
And don't forget to HAVE FUN!!

FPO kmketchersid
Joined Mar 29, 2019

Mon, March 25, 2019 2:21 PM

Reply posted for Rachelcaila .

I have UC and Crohns and I went to Europe with my daughter a couple years ago. I got a seat In the back of the plane by;the restroom, so I could go as often as needed.. and wherever we went, I scouted out the restrooms first thing. It was a lengthy trip and I brought new underwear for every day we were there. I had medicine to control diarrhea.  It can work out fine if you plan around your issues. In Europe bathrooms are often hard to find, but some are very nice. You can do this.

FPO charbs
Joined Oct 31, 2016

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