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please help

Sat, April 13, 2019 5:36 AM

Hi all,

So first of all I don't have a diagnosis but am looking for advice and whether anybody has had similar tome or if this does actually sound like crohns or colitis or something more

I'm 24 years old and about a two years ago I would find myself going to the toilet urgently but never diarrhea,I would have slight mucus with it but nothing major. This would come and go. I was refered to gastro as I had light blood on two occasionas when wiping. I had a flexi sigmoidoscopy last march however they could only go to the distal transverse due to me being small. So this came back normal and they discharged me with IBS. I was happy, it would come and go so I could easily ignore it. However it has come and gone but ever since march this year it hasn't left me. My stools are loose but formed when I go, I alternate between pellet like stool and big very loose but formed ones.I have yellow mucus attached to the stools and they are sometimes slimey. I can't see any blood in my stool and stool test came back normal with no inflammation either.

I never used to have pain, maybea very slight cramp but the past two weeks I've been having a pressure in my stomach and last night shooting pains in my stomach woke me up! This has never happened before. I just ignored them and went back to sleep.

Can anybody help me? I'm worriedabout colon cancer. I had a flexi sig but it only went to the distal transverse. As I'm typing I have a pain in my lower right side like an ache near my pelvic area. Thank you.

FPO jennie24
Joined Apr 13, 2019

Sat, April 13, 2019 12:37 PM

Reply posted for jennie24.

When I was first experiencing symptoms, most days I would end up waking up between 4 and 5 in the morning and always having to go. My stools were always loose until we found the right treatment to put me in remission. And once I was in remission, I no longer woke up between 4 and 5 in the morning having to go.

Mild Crohns or colitis is not uncommon. Most people you hear from on fourms tend to have some pretty severe symptoms. As for me, my crohn's has been very mild since my original diagnosis in 2012. When I got my first colonoscopy, the doctor told me that my crohn's was located throughout my entire colon. Depending on your symptoms, your crohn's can be located in several areas. In your case, there might be some signs of crohn's further up your colon, possibly by your ileum, which is very common to have crohn's in that location.

FPO andrew 2012
Joined Dec 13, 2018

Sat, April 13, 2019 8:17 AM

Reply posted for andrew 2012.

Thank you

Right now I just have mild cramps that feel like gas, but being woken at 4am this morning with pain worried me! It wasn't massively painful but enough to wake me.

I've just been to the toilet now for literally one small pebble. Sigh. Yesterday they were loose and now they're pebble like. I still go daily though.

Can I ask,
Can you have mild crohns/colitis? As I don't have blood only hadtiny amounts on tissue twice in two years.

The flexi sig was normal but only viewed to tranverse colon, is crohns/colitis likely to be found further up? Thanks.

FPO jennie24
Joined Apr 13, 2019

Sat, April 13, 2019 7:32 AM

Reply posted for jennie24.

If you haven't had a colonoscopy, that might show signs of either crohn's or colitis further up your colon. If there is currently no blood, that is a good sign. Also, you mentioned a pain on your lower right side, which was exactly what I felt when I was first diagnosed with crohn's.

Hopefully you will be able to get some answers.

FPO andrew 2012
Joined Dec 13, 2018

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