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Severe pain since middle of January, please help

Tue, April 16, 2019 3:18 PM

First off, I apologize for how personal and gross this post is.  I am 48, female, a long history of cramping and diarrhea. However, I was able to control both with Imodium until January. I have been in severe pain since middle of January and have lost 20 pounds. The pain has progressively gotten worse. It started as a “bladder infection” pain, but all urinary tests came up negative. I even had a CT and ultrasound done. I then had a colonoscopy and upper endoscopy done which the results are most likely Crohn’s disease but I’m waiting for blood test results to confirm, the Prometheus test was done. However I am still in a lot of pain, I have pressure also, all of it right above my bladder. The pain is as bad as my childbirth labor was. I have had a total hysterectomy, appendectomy, gall bladder removed also. Also, I have this weird sensation of a string pulling through my genitals. That’s the best way to describe it, but it kind of feels like a nerve or tendons being pulled. There is also throbbing in my abdomen and genitals. I have also been to my gynecologist, nothing abnormal shown as I figured with my hysterectomy.  

I believe I am at least gluten intolerant, but tests show I am on borderline of celiac disease. I have been trying to correlate the pain with something and I noticed as my bladder fills up, the pain increases. But here’s probably the biggest clue, when doing the prep for my colonoscopy, as soon as my bowels were clear, I had no pain, not even when my bladder filled up. I didn’t start hurting again until hours after eating again the following day when my bowels filled up again. Also, I noticed that when I take Imodium for diarrhea I hurt more, probably because the stool is sitting in there instead of going right through. 
So, has anyone had these symptoms with Crohn’s, if so, what exactly causes the pain? If not, then I guess I will have to go to yet another doctor.
Thank you so much for the help!

FPO Emeliasmawmaw
Joined Apr 16, 2019

Thu, April 25, 2019 12:20 PM

Reply posted for Emeliasmawmaw.

I have UC, but experience the same pain. I was just diagnosed March 26. I had the similar pain last year, but they attibuted it to kidney sand I was passing. But I think it was the start of my UC because it was all on my right side of abdomen and down to groin area. After my diagnosis, doc put me on steroids for a month, stair stepping dosage down each week.. I have 3 days left and on lowest dose, and I feel that pain coming back. Even though I have taken the steroids, my body will take time to heal and this pain will eventually go away with healing. Hope this helps.

Joined Apr 17, 2019

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