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Indeterminate Colitis, Newly diagnosed

Tue, June 25, 2019 7:26 PM

Hi, I'm Saturday Night! I had actually been diagnosed for a couple of years with UC. Had successful IPAA and lived 2 years with a pouch. Immediately after the surgery, I kept sleeping everywhere and i couldn't stay awake. LFTs were waxing and wading and nothing seemed 'right'. Jpouch works mostly good, 75% of the time its not bothersome, but when it cycled to that 25% its hellish, like the stomach bug or mild UC. This caused numerous tests. My b12 at first was normal, then it wasn't, which prompted an upper EGD, which threw a wench at my original diagnosis of UC. Granulomas were present. I had a pouchscopy and mri, everything was good (minus cuffitis). As a result, they can't definitively say UC, even though the removed portion showed very much UC because of the Upper EGD, but can't say Crohns yet because it's not anywhere else. Still tired and bothered. B12 injections did absolutely nothing. I hope eventually I get an answer, waited far too long for an answer. How long did any of you get a diagnosis change? I'm just sitting and waiting until then, hopefully it can change in August (next appointment) to a definitive diagnosis because being tired sucks lol. Nice to meet you all!

FPO CaturdayNight
Joined Jun 25, 2019

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