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Colitis but I also have Gastrtis

Mon, December 30, 2019 8:38 PM

I've had gastritis for many years, but rarely had flare ups after changing my diet. Recently I had bright red blood after a bowel movement. I've had it twice before in the past but it went away and was always right after my period. This time I had gastritis too but also other symptoms that didn't match my normal gastritis flare up, including the blood, and so i went to the ER. The xray scan showed inflammation in my large intestine and diagnosed colitis. I've yet to go to a G.I. doctor because of the holidays, but planning to as soon as possible and have colonoscopy etc. Today I had more blood than I ever did before during and after a bowel movement, and feeling very weak, tired, joint pain (which I've had joint pain off and on for years), and now feeling very emotional because I can't believe this is happening to me. I've changed my diet to a very bland, low fiber diet and I think I've already lost some weight. I'm worried it might get worse and scared to take medications as I've always been sensitive to everything. I also thought I had a uti 6 months ago, the results came back negative but with higher than normal red blood cell count. Not sure if UTI like symptoms are normal for colitis? I honestly think I've had this for at least a few years but now symptoms are just worse ....

FPO Mrs Jason
Joined Dec 30, 2019

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