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Unbearable Stomach Fullness - Progression?

Thu, November 12, 2020 10:02 PM

I've been dealing lately with what I worry is a progression of my UC. I was diagnosed 17 years ago, have handled pregnancies, lots of steroids, Rx changes, long flares, long remissions, but never the can't-think-of anything-else-due-to my-symptoms that I am now. 

I deal with diarrhea (usually urgent) 8-9 times daily and have basically gotten used to it. I stay away from most all dairy, very little red meat, but probably eat more raw veggies than I should. However, of late, the fullness/feeling of a lead ball in my stomach after nearly any meal is horrible. I essentially just have to lay down with a heating pad after eating. My "digestion" is very audible (loud rumbles, painful cramps) and has become commonplace among my family. 

My concern is 1- the symptoms no longer seem to just be confined to my intestines (which I'm used to), but incredible stomach discomfort as well. I am literally afraid to eat anything at all due to the inevitable pain/inconvenience; 
2 - it's starting to cause depression. I feel uncomfortable most of the time and just not my self, leading to personality and activity changes;
3 - is this a progression? Or lack of symptom maintenance (although I take 4 Apriso daily . . )? 

Sorry for the long post, but can anyone commiserate or offer advice? I'm desperate. 


FPO Gina20
Joined Nov 12, 2020

Fri, December 04, 2020 2:54 AM

Reply posted for espitzberg.

Hi Gina have you tried enemas???

FPO Constipated guy
Joined Apr 26, 2020

Tue, November 17, 2020 6:44 PM

Reply posted for Gina20.


Have you tried liquid diets for brief periods? I take a very simple smoothie made of oat milk and banana in the morning. Also have you tried bone broth, or, pureed soup?

Apologies if these are obvious recommendations. But I would be curious to hear if this is novel.

FPO espitzberg
Joined Nov 17, 2020

Mon, November 16, 2020 11:06 PM

Reply posted for JoshuaModepc.

Thanks for the encouragement and advice, Joshua. Were you medically diagnosed at 9 years of age??


FPO Gina20
Joined Nov 12, 2020

Sat, November 14, 2020 12:45 AM

Reply posted for Gina20.

hello, i have crohns. ive had it since i was 9 years old and am now 30.

i suffer from everything you have mentioned plus other problems. it is common to have these feelings. from experience i can tell you that stress has a huge impact on what you are dealing with. i suggest when things seem at its worse you switch to a strict ensure diet(vanilla is the best flavor imo) this will help your body get what it needs but also take a break from having to break down foods.

you know your body, trust your feelings and dont be afraid to be seen if you feel things are not normal.

generally as time pasts things get worse and not better but for what its worth you are not alone and i wish you better days ahead.

FPO JoshuaModepc
Joined Nov 13, 2020

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