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Waiting for diagnosis

Wed, March 27, 2024 5:09 PM

I haven't been diagnosed yet but being tested for Crohns. I've had stomach issues for years, mainly bathroom urgency after eating. November 2023 I had a gallbladder attack, found out I had gallstones and had my gallbladder removed. My surgeon told me it was full of adhesions and I must have been having gallbladder problems for a long time. It was stuck to my liver and from him removing it caused bleeding in my liver and I had to have a drain placed for that. That all healed fine, and I was doing good for about 2 months, then in January started having severe pain in the same area. Went to ER and the did a CT scan that showed my small intestine walls were thickening and I needed to see a GI doctor. Met with GI, he said he suspected IBS but did a colonoscopy and upper endoscopy and both came back good. Did CRP and ESR, both were good also. He prescribed me Linzess, which only made things worse. Then I had a CT enterograpy which again showed significant abnormal results with bowel wall thickening and multiple enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes. Tested fecal calprotectin, came back at 1370. Now he suspects liver problems and is doing a capsule endoscopy. I feel like he doesn't believe the pain I'm in, and with the test results I've been getting I'm a little scared. 

I'm sorry for such a long post, just wondering if anyone has any insight or suggestions for me or if anyone has been through something similar. 


FPO Bellbeck
Joined Mar 27, 2024

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