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Yellow Fever Vaccination

Wed, September 24, 2008 4:27 AM

I am hoping to travel to Tanzania but because I am having Remicade (Infliximab) treatment I am advised that I can't have a Yellow Fever vaccination because it contains live vaccine. Has anyone had any experience of travelling to a country where Yellow Fever is prevalent and taken alternative precautions?


FPO drpayne
Joined Sep 19, 2008

Mon, March 15, 2010 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for mmm125.


Yes I did travel to Tanzania and had a good trip. I was advised that the immigration authorities only require the cerificate of vaccination if you arrive from a country where Yellow Fever exists. So arriving from the UK at Dar es Salaam I was not even asked for the certificate. However I did still take the trouble to get a formal waiver letter from my doctor indicating that I could not have the vaccination.

I also did some research on how the disease is transmitted. It is only caught from daytime flying mosquitoes. I took precautions to treat all my outer clothing with mosquito repellent which was meant to survive several washes. I took trouble to wear long sleeves and long trousers throughout the day.

If you are travelling to places which are above a certain altitude above sea level (not sure of the figure, I think its about 3,000 feet) the risk of mosquitoes is very low.

You should also be aware that if you attempt to cross the border from Tanzania to another adjacent country, say Kenya, you may be asked for your vaccination cerificate/exemption letter because you are now coming from a country which has Yellow Fever.

Hope that helps,

David Payne

FPO drpayne
Joined Sep 19, 2008

Sat, March 13, 2010 1:29 PM

 Reply posted for DRPayne.

did you ever end up traveling to tanzania? i am hoping to travel there this summer (summer 2010) but have been told that i can't have the yellow fever vaccination due to the imuran that i take on a daily basis. i'm looking for alternatives to the yellow fever vaccination, if any exist. what did you end up doing? i would appreciate any feedback! thanks!

FPO mmm125
Joined Mar 13, 2010

Sun, September 28, 2008 4:26 PM

 Reply posted for DRPayne.

We are also going out of the country and I am on Remicade.  According to the CDC website, YF injection is contraindicated with this drug.  I have heard you need to get a letter of waiver from your doctor explaining your medical condition and why you can't take the shot and most counties will accept that proof.   But it is still possible they will not allow you in the country.

Luckily the injection is 'recommended' for the countries we will be visiting, and not 'required'.

Good luck. 

FPO hillslife
Joined Sep 13, 2008

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