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Sat, October 18, 2008 9:29 PM

I am going to Germany with my boyfriends family over New Years and I am starting to stress. I have UC and I am worried about the bathroom situation in another country. I know I have heard they are not readily available and sometimes you have to pay. I don't know if this is how Germany is and was wondering if anyone has been there before to let me know. I know we are staying in small town in the southwest portion of the country. I was also wondering if anyone knows if there are bathrooms on the trains. My boyfriend and I were talking about taking a train to Frankfurt a couple of times. I guess overall I am just worried about not being able to do what everyone else is doing because of the disease and I am trying to find comfort before going.

FPO krh71585
Joined Oct 12, 2008

Mon, November 10, 2008 1:59 PM

 Reply posted for krh71585.

I have UC and lived in Germany for two years. Most of the trains have bathrooms, enough so that I never worried about that aspect of travel. Traveling by car was more of a problem, the autoban has few exits. I tried to plan my travel so that I wasn't traveling during my most "troublesome" time of day. I always asked for bottled water no gas, sometimes you'll get tap if you don't ask.  If you find yourself in a real jam, go into a restaurant and have your companion order something even if it's just a soda. My husband was so good at that - he was always ready for a beer and a rest (even if he just had one).Their rule is you have to be a customer to use the facilities.  Go easy on the cheese as they don't have to pasturize(sp) and don't because that's what makes it good.  Enjoy your trip you're going to love it! 

FPO kj
Joined Nov 10, 2008

Sat, November 08, 2008 2:57 AM

 Reply posted for krh71585.

Last November I spent three weeks in Bavaria. It was true for me that bathrooms are difficult to find...but once you "chart" your area you'll feel more comfortable. I found most of them in the large department stores, usually on the top floor. The ones I found don't require you to pay, but it's custom to put some change in the plate for the restroom attendents. I was very pleased that the restrooms were very clean.

Also, be advised that in Germany when you ask for water, you'll get mineral water. If the bubbles bother your tummy, make sure you ask for water with out "gas"...yes, sounds funny, but that's what they call it.

If you're able to get travler's maps of the area you're visiting, bathrooms may be listed on them.

Good luck in's a beautiful country and try not to let your chron's ruin it...I know how scary it is!!

FPO bellababy
Joined Nov 8, 2008

Wed, October 29, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for krh71585.

Thank you, hopefully I will feel better by then... I appreciate your response.

FPO krh71585
Joined Oct 12, 2008

Wed, October 29, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for krh71585.

I spent 10 weeks in Germany and things went well.

One bit of advice I would offer is to take food for the long flight that you like to eat because if you can't eat what they give you, you need to have food, so bring snacks that you like and eat regularly on the flight.

As for bathrooms, there were some places where you had to pay to use the toilet like at some train stations and airports, but other places like restaurants you didin't have to pay. As for on the trains, I don't remember because I never looked.for a toilet, but I did find that some trains like the ICE trains mentioned wheel-chair accessible toilets. I would recommend taking the faster trains just in case they don't. Another thing you could do, is to just call and ask once you get there, because most people there do speak english or can direct you to someone that can.

FPO jenn d h
Joined Jun 16, 2008

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