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Abroad in Italy

Mon, February 02, 2009 1:00 AM

Hi, I am a 21 year old college student that has Colitis and i am studying abroad in italy for a month this summer. Just coming off a terriable flare up from back in September where i was hospitalized, i am about to study abroad in Florence, Italy. The dates are may 30- June 30 and i am really nervous. I am staying with a host family and i am afriad they will not understand what i can and cannot eat.

 Is there any tips for traveling that can help prevent a flare up from occuring? Because i honestly never want to end up in the hospital again but i do want to see and experience the world. Thanks!

FPO yankboy51
Joined Feb 2, 2009

Tue, February 17, 2009 3:21 PM

 Reply posted for Yankboy51.

Hi, I completely understand being worried. This past april i went backpacking across europe. I am 23, and have crohns, its active, and as it gets close to my remicade treatments, i get pretty sick, but there is no way it was going to hold me back. You need to just make sure you have your needs met. If there are specific things you can't eat, ask them if you can cook for yourself, or explain it more as an allergy so that they will understand. I understand being nervous, but if you take a proactice roll, and dont let the stress get the better of you, you will be fine. Have an incredible time, it's beautiful.

FPO mandytoronto
Joined Feb 17, 2009

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