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Wed, January 13, 2010 11:03 AM

I am not new to Chrone's, alas, but I sem to have my worst diarrhea when I am traveling or out or at at work.I am getting ready to take a temp job which I really want, but the chances of being near a bathroom, let alone carrying changes odf clothes is almost impossible.

I can't find any protection on the market for fecal inconence--and I really need some suggestions pretty quick..

I currently takeWelchol which seems to keep that uncontrollable, no=notice episode from happening, and of coirse I live on Immodium and the world's weirdest diet.

But riight now, its the physical protection I am worried about. Anyone have any ideas?


Thanks, china

FPO chinacat
Joined Jan 13, 2010

Tue, February 16, 2010 11:50 AM

 Reply posted for Chinacat.


I have been using the ultra-thin sanitary napkins.  They are cheaper than the incontience ones in the long run, (especially when you use coupons).    I buy the long ones (without wings).  I line the center of my panties with one pad and then cut another one in half and line the back of my panties with the 2 halves.  If I feel like I am going to have an extremely bad day, I will cut another one in half and use one half of it to line a little further up the center back of my panties.

I do no like the bulkiness of the incontinence pads.

Hope this helps.

Good luck!


FPO kittiekat
Joined Feb 14, 2010

Sat, January 16, 2010 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for Chinacat.

Hi Chinacat - I have not been able to find fecal pads either, just for urine.

So I use a large urinary pad (store brand) that sticks to your underware like a maxi pad - so you don't need a belt.   They are for urine but help VERY much for the other too.   They are about 6" wide, have gathering around the sides to help hold stuff in and are about 15" long.   They are not as bulky as the incontinence underpants and are easier to remove - you just peel it off and toss.

They also help with your confidence level, knowing if you do have a problem, it will be contained at least for a few minutes til you can get to a bathroom.

Good luck - I hope someone on this board knows of another product you can try also.


FPO hillslife
Joined Sep 13, 2008

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