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Help me in Orlando!

Thu, March 18, 2010 4:39 PM

I want to go with my daughter's senior class to Orlando in 2 months.  I would love to ride the rides at Universal and WDW, but I'm worried that I'll be in line and have to rush out of line to go to the bathroom. I don't want to pay big money and not get to enjoy the parks.  Has anyone with crohn's had experience at these 2 parks?  WDW has a fast pass, but even that can be a long line.  What about Universal?  Are there "handicapped" passes available to skip the line?  If so, what do I need to take with me to show them?

FPO allears4u
Joined Mar 18, 2010

Thu, May 06, 2010 8:38 PM

 Reply posted for allears4u.

i have crohns diesease and ulcerative colitis was in the hospital from beb 8 through feb 25.i was supposed to go to florida feb 26, but couldnt anymore. instead we went april 26, ang got fast/medical passes. we did get to go in the handicapped lines. i am 11 years old and was diagnoised april second, 2009

FPO livelovelaugh16
Joined May 6, 2010

Wed, May 05, 2010 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for kjmcc0729.

Thanks for the tips!  We are going to go in less than 2 weeks.  I'm "staking" out the bathrooms in advance!!!  Plus a change of clothes for my backpack.  If I have a problem - I can always use it as an excuse to buy Disney (or Universal) clothes!!  Praying for no problems, but preparing for the worst.  I know we'll have fun anyway!

Thanks again for the advice and the heads up on "line saver".  We'll definitely do fast pass.

FPO allears4u
Joined Mar 18, 2010

Wed, May 05, 2010 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for allears4u.

Hopefully you haven't left for your trip yet, and if you did, hope you are having a great time!

Disney has a medical card/pass you can acquire that will allow you to wait in an alternate line.  I have not used it, but a friend has a child who was sick and they were able to take advantage of it.  From what I understand you show the Disney member the pass and they take you to a separate room to wait until your space in line comes to the front.  I don't know who qualifies for the pass, but it is worth looking into.

Also, I was at Disney last summer, in the middle of a moderate flair.  I took immodium and was fine.  Disney has lots of bathrooms, so it is easier in the regard.  Take advantage of FastPass whenever you can.  Universal has a similiar program, but I believe that you have to be staying at one of their hotels to use it.

In any case, best of luck and have a great time!

FPO kjmcc0729
Joined May 5, 2010

Fri, April 23, 2010 6:18 PM

 Reply posted for Lizzies Mom.

Thanks LizziesMom. I just found this site & did not realize they have such a card. I have UC & we leave for Disney in 1 week & am on the tail end of another flare up & I am on Prednisone & seem to be ok but you never know. I will need to check into getting this card. I think I will find these forums a wealth of info.

FPO doejeff
Joined Apr 23, 2010

Thu, March 18, 2010 6:39 PM

 Reply posted for allears4u.

We went to WDW a couple of years ago and all went well.  My daughter has CD and, as you know, urgency is sometimes an issue.  I have to say, it wasn't there.   Also, the restaurants were very accommodating.  Feel free to ask for any meal modifications and they were just as good as it gets.   There is an "I can't wait" card from CCFA we received w/ membership that I carry in my wallet in case we are ever in a situation where we need the bathroom faster than anyone else on line.   It is good to keep on hand.   Lucky for us, we didn't have to use it, but it was peace of mind.

Go, have a good time.  Enjoy the Senior trip......after all, that only comes around once!

Lizzies Mom

FPO lizzies mom
Joined Sep 9, 2009

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