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sleepaway camp worries...

Sun, May 23, 2010 11:06 PM

I am working at a sleep away camp for the first time this summer. It is something I have wanted to do for years, and I finally have a chance! The camp knows about my UC and my diet restrictions, but I can't help but feel worried that I will get into a bad flare up.I have had my UC for about a year (it will actually hit a year the day I leave for camp!) and I am starting to fully understand it fully but this will not help if I get sick 20 states away from my doctor. Does anyone have any advice to stay healthy and to have fun without becoming so worried?

FPO ucchick87
Joined May 23, 2010

Sun, June 20, 2010 4:05 PM

 Reply posted for EZ.

Thanks EZ and Lizzie's mom! I am on my third day here at camp and I am loving every minute of it. I am so busy that it is hard to be worrying about my stomach. The food here is really great, and there are so many options. I am not expecting there to be any flare ups this summer :) Thank you guys so much for replying. Your posts really help!


FPO ucchick87
Joined May 23, 2010

Sun, June 20, 2010 1:11 PM

 Reply posted for ucchick87.

I have had UC for 3 years and I actually worked at an overnight summer camp for the first time last summer. It was one of the best experiences of my life and I didn't have any flare ups while I was there and I was able to eat all of the food, but I was a little worried also before I got there. My advice to you is to not let it get in the way of your experience because at camps there are usually a variety of food choices. You can probably opt for the vegetarian meal option once you are there if you feel that would be better for you because they will probably have one. Also, there will be a camp nurse there who will be aware of your UC and is there to help you! I don't know exactly what your position is going to be, but if you are a counselor you will probably have to leave your cabin and walk a little bit to go to the bathrooms, but you will get used to it. You are going to have so much fun, your illness will be the last thing on your mind when you get there!!!


FPO ez
Joined Nov 9, 2008

Fri, May 28, 2010 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for ucchick87.

There are several things you can do to help.  First and foremost, serious planning on your part well in advance will help alleviate the stress that comes from last minute packing.   Since you have been diagnosed for a year now, you should have a good understanding of  what foods / snacks are "safe" for you.   I suggest packing as many as possible.   This way, no matter what the camp is serving, you have your go-to foods.  Another thing you may want to bring is something to help keep you relaxed that you can do on down time (a book, crossword puzzle, ipod, whatever you enjoy).  Rest, plenty of rest.   Last, but not least, don't overthink it, have fun!


Lizzies Mom


FPO lizzies mom
Joined Sep 9, 2009

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