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Entyvio or Stelara after Humira? 8 Questions

Mon, September 04, 2017 6:38 PM

Here are my questions regarding Entyvio vs. Stelara:
1. I am extremely sensitive to many meds. Which med has less side affects? This is my biggest issue. They may all work, but can I function at work/home?
2. Is it true that Entyvio is generally more effective for people with Crohn's in their large intestine? I only have in the large intestine
3. Stelara has been around treating conditions other than Crohn's, but the Crohn's dose is double the dose for the other condition. Are there longer term trials for this larger dose? 
4. I like the idea of Entyvio (non-systemic/targets the intestines) rather than a systemic drug (Stelara), but I am not sure this is a big factor. Is it?
5. Does Stelara have more infections than Entyvio?
6. Does Stelara have more skin issues (i.e., squamous cell) than Entyvio? I've had skin issues before.
7. I have some minor liver abnormalities (Gilberts' Syndrome) and a kidney with polyps. Does one of these drugs have less impact on the kidneys and liver?
8. Is it possible another anti-TNF drug might have low side affects? Humira worked, but it negatively impacted the rest of my life.

Ultimately, I am going to follow my GI docs advice on this. But I'd like to find out some additional information to discuss with her before my meeting. 


FPO Baxter1960
Joined Sep 4, 2017

Mon, September 11, 2017 2:18 PM

Reply posted for Baxter1960.

I can only speak for entyvio, I have never been on Stelara. I started entyvio Fall of 2014.

1. I am extremely sensitive to many meds. Which med has less side affects? This is my biggest issue. They may all work, but can I function at work/home? I've had few-no side effects with entyvio. I am a full time graduate student  and I exercise 4-6X/week. This is the best quality of life I've had in a long time.

2. Is it true that Entyvio is generally more effective for people with Crohn's in their large intestine? I only have in the large intestine Entyvio is most effective for Colitis which is exclusive to the LI. I have Crohn's in my large & small and it's been effective for me. If you want numbers I would look up the white papers.
3. Stelara has been around treating conditions other than Crohn's, but the Crohn's dose is double the dose for the other condition. Are there longer term trials for this larger dose? I don't know
4. I like the idea of Entyvio (non-systemic/targets the intestines) rather than a systemic drug (Stelara), but I am not sure this is a big factor. Is it? It's a huge factor. Entyvio is the first drug designed specifically for Crohn's/UC. Since it's not systemic it *should* have less side effects.
5. Does Stelara have more infections than Entyvio?I don't know
6. Does Stelara have more skin issues (i.e., squamous cell) than Entyvio? I've had skin issues before.I don't know. I had skin issues with humira/methotrexate but haven't noticed any with Entyvio.
7. I have some minor liver abnormalities (Gilberts' Syndrome) and a kidney with polyps. Does one of these drugs have less impact on the kidneys and live?My guess is they are si

FPO akr008
Joined Sep 2, 2014

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