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Cholestyramine Questions

Sun, March 11, 2018 2:28 PM

I'm caring for my mother who has Crohn's.
She has been prescribed 2, 9oz. packets of cholestyramine per day, one in the morning and one in the evening. Every couple days she complains of constipation and I have since learned (from this Forum) that I should probably play around with finding a good amount of the cholestyramine that is slightly less than the two 9oz packet amounts.
Currently I have her taking 1 9oz packet divided in half (4.5oz/4.5oz).
Half in the morning and half at night. So far so good.
One question I have is if the cholstyramine can be pre-mixed or does it need to be mixed separately and taken right away?
Also, do people make adjustments according to how they feel day to day or is there a magic amount that I need to get to and stick to?
Thanks for any help.

FPO Terry D
Joined Mar 9, 2018

Mon, March 19, 2018 7:30 AM

Reply posted for Terry D.

Hi...I have been using cholestyramine for a long time.  I use it mostly to prevent the problems excess acid creates post my 1990 resection.  It allows me to go out and about too!  Before surgery, my Crohns presented as mostly constipation.  Post surgery, I have only D.

I do juggle my amount I take, not quite on a daily basis.  It seems I usually change it about weekly depending on what I eat and what I am doing.  I definitely call it a balancing act.  I have never done more than one packet...but that is totally a personal thing and may be different for each person.  I put multiple packets into a well sealed plastic container and use a measuring spoon now.  Some days are a round tsp, some days a full pack...and some days I suffer through a day with none if I was really backed up (that was yesterday ow!)

My GI always pushes to use it at night.  I have always taken it in the morning because it means I can get through a work day.  I do not have night issues generally.  Maybe try taking at different times???

Hope you find that balance!

FPO habsfan
Joined Jan 9, 2012

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