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Humira - & other biologics

Fri, November 01, 2019 10:23 PM

Hey sorry for the long post, I've been diagnosed with chrohns disease since late 2013. I was 17 years old at the time and had to be take to texas children's hospital. They started me on remidade and within the first couple rounds I was good and never felt better. I finished out my remicade until I did a colonoscopy that determined I was In remission. They switched me to methotrexate, which I took for a couple of years and eventually I stopped taking the medication. I wasn't on any type of medication for chrohns for about 3 years and I felt good. No symptoms. Everything felt fine. Fast forward to 2019 and I decide its time to get a check up. I get referred to a chrohns specialist and they perform a colonoscopy. They discover I have some ulcers in my lower colon and rectum. They prescribe humira. I've started taking humira and my only real concern is do the positives of this drug outweigh the negatives. So far I've been fine but I've read about the side effects and some seem serious. I asked my doctor if humira would be something I could take to achieve remission and then I could get back on methotrexate, but that answer seemed like I'd be on humira even after remission. I just dont feel like my chrohns is severe enough to warrant humira as a life long drug. Is methotrexate as efficient at keeping chrohns in remission?

Joined Nov 1, 2019

Mon, November 25, 2019 8:10 PM

Reply posted for CCW.

Part 2 of my post .....

i have never experienced any side effects from Humira, and my understanding is that many other IBD meds have worse side-effects (eg prednisolone, methotrexate etc).  I took methotrexate previously, it didn’t help me, and I recall the increased cancer risk and was advised to minimise exposure to the sun as a result (!). My understanding is that Humira is much safer than Methotrexate, but perhaps that’s a question better suited to your Doctor.

So I’d suggest if you have the chance to try Humira it could be helpful to give it a go, but (and this is more advice I wish could give myself if I could go back in time) don’t get too complacent, and make sure your lifestyle is in-line with supporting your health as much as possible.
Also, I’d suggest that even if you don’t feel too bad, if there is inflammation then it’s good to try treat that as best as possible when it’s there.  In my own experience the culminative damage caused by past inflammation and subsequent scarring led to narrowing/stricture, and eventually the need for surgery (resection).

I hope it (or whatever treatment you go with) works well for you xxx

FPO Yvonne111
Joined Nov 25, 2019

Mon, November 25, 2019 8:01 PM

Reply posted for CCW.

Hi, I posted this in reply to another topic, and the read you post and so sharing my response to you too...

My experiences with Humira were very positive. I’m in Australia, have Crohns, diagnosed at 20, by 24y/o had tried many meds with limited effect and finding steroids were the only thing that would help (but with bad side effects).
I got on Humira and it was a huge turning point for me. Some of the specifics are a bit fuzzy as I was so unwell back then, but it helped me get into remission for long stretches of time.  
I did have a couple of flares while taking it, probably because I was feeling so well that I relaxed a bit too much around certain lifestyle factors, which I now realise I can’t afford to do (I believe stress, being busy and not putting enough time into self-care, and too much coffee and chocolate have been factors for me here).

My understanding people tend to lose response to Humira over time. I’ve lasted >10yrs with significant benefits from it, and only am losing response and needing to try something else. I think I was lucky, as many others lose response earlier than this. But if it helps even for some time ...worth considering.

FPO Yvonne111
Joined Nov 25, 2019

Wed, November 20, 2019 8:25 PM

Reply posted for CCW.

Hello, I'm wondering if anyone ever answered you. I am having the same concerns and questions about Humira and I have read numerous professional journals on this medication.

FPO Sprout
Joined Nov 19, 2019

Wed, November 20, 2019 8:25 PM

Reply posted for CCW.

Hello, I'm wondering if anyone ever answered you. I am having the same concerns and questions about Humira and I have read numerous professional journals on this medication.

FPO Sprout
Joined Nov 19, 2019

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