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Proctitis Canasa hemmorhoids

Wed, November 18, 2020 10:28 AM

after years of annoying issues and then seemingly continuous blood in the toilet, a colonoscopy almost 2 years ago showed i had proctitis. i was prescribed canasa and have probably had to use it 3 times a year since.
since march i have been almost symptom free. i would have mucus every so often but was very regular and no blood. suddenly about 2 weeks ago i had one instance of urgency and cramps and that was the start of a new flare. since then blood each time i go but no other issue other than feeling like my stomach felt “raw” ( thats how it always feels to me during flares). i started canasa two weeks ago and just have one left from a 14 day prescription. a few days in the blood stopped, but came back after a few days. in the past the bleeding stopped after a few days and didnt return until the next flare. 
have you had it take longer than 2 weeks to get under control? i feel fine and never had any more urgency trips or cramps. No more mucus either. It almost seems like the bleeding right now could be from a hemorrhoid that gotten irritated. I haven't dealt with them since pregnancy but they were a big issue then. The blood happens every time I push at all. How can you differentiate between bleeding due to the condition or hemorrhoids! It seems impossible.i was anemic when i was first diagnosed and dont want to go through that again so that is my only concern.

FPO 50cupsofcoffee
Joined Nov 18, 2020

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